Chapter 28

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Honestly at the moment I have such bad writers block so i have no idea where this chapter is gonna go. It's most likely gonna be shorter than usualy too just for that reason.

Also, explanation for the song, other than it's just a bomber song:
Ren: Soilder
V: Poet
Sage: Ruler



Sage's POV

Sitting at the campfire had to be the most painful thing. The campfire used to be the place to listen to Lance's ridiculous storys or him and Ren's bickering. But now it was just...wrong. Frieda and her guards were having a great time, trying to get V and Ren to join in. Needless to say they didnt. Though they may have unintentionally laughed at a joke every now and then it was obvious they were uncomfortable around the red head.

And rightfully so. She had just stood back as we were ambushed. She had just watched as our friend was murdered. And she could have cared less when we first landed after the incident. I remember being so detached from reality that she had even started yelling at me in frustration when I wouldnt talk to her. She had made fun of me when she came upon me in the woods and complained about being "on this boring island for soooooo long."

It may have taken way longer than it should have, but the boys were finally coming to they're senses in realizing that the "angel" Frieda wasnt all that she seemed to be.

Even so the guys in question still sat with them. I on the other hand couldnt stand to even be around that vermin. (no offense Ren) I instead opted to sit at the mouth of the woods, watching the group, or more accurately Frieda, intensely.

I was fully aware of the fact that I had become, how do you say, "cold" since the death of Lance, though it had only been a week. Things didnt make me happy anymore. I never smiled. I never laughed. I was more hard on people and more short tempered. I knew all this. I was aware of it. But I couldnt stop it. Just because you know your colorblind doesnt mean you can see the colors. Maybe if the idiotic, entitled, and extremely frustrating red head would leave us alone I would lightenm up a little bit. But it's really hard to do that when you wanna punch in her stupid smirk every two seconds.

That's it. I was done. We had to go kill Tempus, now. That way we can appoint that rat...I mean, mouse, as queen and never have to talk to her again. I was done with this mission. I just want to go and kill that jerk as soon as possible so I can finally get away from her. But that was not happening by sulking on this island and feeling sorry for myself.

With an angered grunt I push myself up, stalking over to the group. I stood definetly before them, my face tight and stoic. I stared Frieda down for an uncomfortable amount of time, waiting for her too look away, reasserting my once dormant authority.

"We're leaving. First thing in the morning." I say simply. They all look up at me.

"Why?" V asks carefully.

"Becase we need to kill Tempus, that's why. And we're not getting any closer to that goal by sitting here, pampering ourselves." I answer. Frieda stays silent.

"I agree. We've wanted to go for a few days now but we wanted to make sure you were okay first." Ren says with a grin at me. I don't smile back.

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