Chapter 18

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Warning: some feels.

But good feels


Disclaimer: small mention of abuse


Sage's POV

I don't remember falling asleep. It's hard to say that I did. The last thing I remember was crying. Sobbing, even. Lance was there. He was always there.

And the just...nothing. Maybe Lance can fill me in. Is he still here?

I groan softly as I stretch my arms and legs out, sighing as I relax back into my pillow. What even was my pillow? My eyes slowly flutter open, me taking a second to let them focus.

I look around me, not daring to move. Lance had his back propped up against the trunk of the huge oak tree that I remember crawling under last night. His eyes were closed softly and his breathing was steady and slow. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I was laying on my left side and had my arms wrapped around myself. I lay in-between his long legs, using his stomach as a pillow. He had one hand on my head like he had been stroking my hair, his other hand in mine.

I slowly, and ever so carefully sit up, getting a good look at the sleeping man before me. He was cute even when he slept...huh.

I walk out of the encasement of roots and stretch fully, yawning as I do so. Under the thick canopy of the trees it was almost impossible to know what time it was, but it was at least noon. I wipe the sleep out of my eyes and try to get the dried tears off, as well as the dried snot off my nose.

After combing my hair with my fingers, I turn around and plop back down on the grass, not wanting to leave without Lance, but not wanting to wake him up.

I tilt my head slightly, studying him. How he seemed to glow under the shifting dappling of light through the leaves above. How he looked so secure through the slow, intricate intertwining of the large roots that encased him. How the long, vibrant grass brushes past his pant leg in the soft breeze, making a quiet sound. How his hair fell perfectly across his face. How his long lashes brushed up against his cheeks. How his bushy eyebrows where so relaxed in a soft u-shape. How his light pink lips fell in a perfect line. How his almost invisible freckles seemed to appear and dissapeared as the light moved across them.

How everything was just..perfect.

I make a mental note to try and find a way to remember where this was. It was a such a beautiful spot, I may want to come back here someday. Possibly with Lance. To reminisce about the old days.

While I'm spaced out I faintly here someone take in a long breath. Snaking back to reality, I see Lance rubbing his eyes. He looks around and his eyes land on me.

"Enjoying the view?" He asks. His voice was two octaves deeper than usual and was gravely from just waking up. The usual mischief in his eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Psh whatever Griffin." I say, this corners of my lips turning upwards.

He let's out one of his signature smiles. And I dont know, maybe it was that my brain was still being controlled by that voice. Maybe it was that I was still emotional. Maybe I still hadnt woken up fully. But a thought crossed my mind. A foreign thought. But a thought that...I welcomed.

My god...I love that smirk.

"Are you feeling better?" He asks, his face changing from one of amusement to one of concern in a surprising amount of time. I dont fail to notice how the irish in his voice comes out because of his drowsiness.

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