CHAPTER 18: Fight to the death, the Colossus Orochi awakens

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Kaga after acting on her own by activating Orochi (Partially) and directing the ship into open seas, Observer and Tester have a conversation with each other far from Orochi.

Observer: We have been able to break the empire's blockade with ease.

Tester: Although they seemed too confused to stop us, (smiles) Finally huh, although I have to admit it's pretty great.

Observer: (plays with her fingers) Battles must be dramatic, don't you think? They are the representations of humanity after all. That will is what drives them.

Tester: The things you say are very difficult to process, please speak clearly.

Observer: What are you saying, look, Purifier is here.

Purifier: What are you saying, she's full of herself.

Tester: (sarcastic tone) ~ OH? ~ But someone beat you up right?

Purifier: I was playing rough with someone, nothing more, I like to play rough, don't judge me. (Raises her hand and tosses the black mind cube at Observer) Here! This toy is yours.

Observer: (receives cube) Thank you, Purifier. So let's get started (The black cube starts to glow) A few bits in the past or a calculation in the future.

The black mind cube begins to glow brightly and then flies towards Orochi.

Purifier: (sinister and playful tone) Tic tock, Tick Tock, Wake up and shine.

The cube when hitting the ship, jumps many sparks and rays making the ship shine with intensity and Kaga covers herself with her arms and when Kaga goes off she sees her sister Akagi standing in shock, Orochi has been fully activated.

Kaga: Sister? Are you sister?

Kaga runs and hugs Akagi and she returns the favor.

Kaga: You were alive, it's relief.

Akagi: Yes, after all it is the will of the heavens, look Kaga, this is the power we desire, the power of Orochi.


The aft deck is covered in smoke taking off an ICBM missile to some place in god knows where.

The aft deck is covered in smoke taking off an ICBM missile to some place in god knows where

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Grau: Code red?

On the screen I see something that should not even exist in this world.

Grau: Is it a ballistic missile? That's impossible, Radar blocks the missile as a target for the Aspite!


Grau: Fire!

The Albatros Nato launcher points in the direction of the missile and the missile is fired, on the radar screen I can see the missile heading towards its target.

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