CHAPTER 3: Battle of the Gray Ghost

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POV Prince of Wales.

After the Grau alert, we left to finish our preparations, because our ships were out of fuel and low on ammunition, these preparations took a long time, then when I went out to help repel the attack I saw the frigate Grau and that alone was fighting against the empire's first aircraft carrier division and I saw her absurd performance from her, she alone shot down more than 30 planes in a few seconds, then launched a bombardment against the two carriers and made Akagi and Kaga retreat.

I was in shock, a frigate just beat up the most powerful ships in the Sakura empire.


In the port the Manjuus aboard boats rescue the badly injured Kansen who float in the sea unconscious, in the port there are many ships with severe damage and the owners of them are working hard to extinguish the fire, in one of the anchor docks A ship that participated in this combat but unlike the rest did not receive any damage, this ship is the frigate Almirante Grau, she goes down the boarding bridge and disembarks and walks along the dock and sees Prince of Wales with Illustrious and Unicorn.

Prince of Wales: You have done an excellent job repelling enemy forces.

Grau: Don't thank me, it's my job after all.

Unicorn: Thank you very much for saving me.

Grau: (Smile) Yes, you're welcome, after all my job is to protect my comrades.

Prince of Wales: (looking through a binocular) But I have to say they caught us off guard, I didn't think they would make a first move.

Illustrious: That they make an alliance with Iron Blood is not a surprise.

PoW: I wonder if they know how dangerous it is to use siren technology.

Illustrious: The Royal Navy forces will also be here in no time, they won't catch us off guard again.

Grau: I wonder if we should install AA batteries in the base?

PoW: We can't, we don't have the staff to handle them.

Illustrious: What happened to Enterprise?

PoW: She is under repair, after a delay she is on her way.

PoW: I've heard rumors that her fighting has gotten a bit reckless.

Illustrious: True, you are very strong Grau, surely you have been in many fights.

Grau: Huh? (The truth is that this is my second real match, I really can't say that right?)

PoW: Yes, I never really saw the 1st Carrier Division get hit by a single ship.

Grau: (cold sweat) Heh, now they should be talking bad about me.



Akagi: Kaga, are you okay?

Kaga: Yes, sister, I feel that that brat spoke ill of us.

Akagi: Wait Kaga, I have to finish bandaging your wounds.Currently Akagi and Kaga are on the flight deck of the Akagi aircraft carrier and they were sitting on a bench and there was a table with Japanese food, Akagi bandages Kaga's wounds, on its deck you can see many holes caused by Grau's AP projectiles, On the Kaga aircraft carrier, there is also significant damage since on its starboard there is a large hole caused by Grau's Otomat missile, additionally its flight deck is full of holes, both Akagi and Kaga cannot launch their aircraft, behind them the destroyer Ayanami escorted them.

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