CHAPTER 10: Interlude.

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Grau, Angamos, Avrora and Sovetskaya Rossiya are present in the room. They were talking about the measures against Iron Blood.

Sovetskaya Rossiya: Attack Iron Blood?

Grau: Yes, now your naval defenses should be very weakened, last night I intercepted an encrypted call from Iron Blood, they have ordered their submarines to withdraw to protect their coasts since their main ships have been neutralized on our coast.

Sovetskaya Rossiya: I see, your logic has no plot holes, so how do we attack them with only 5 ships?

Grau: We will request reinforcements from the Royal Navy, I am very sure that they want the sunken Bismark or capture it.

Sovetskaya Rossiya: I don't know, I hope your predictions are true, but we'll try your plan for now, I'm sure we won't be able to repel an attack like this again.

Angamos: I agree, well, according to my leader ordered me to patrol the coasts of her nation to look for threats, I am withdrawing.

Avrora: Good luck on your patrol.

Angamos: Thank you very much, I will need it.

Grau: well, you can retire.

Angamos: Understood.

Angamos is heading to the port to finish his preparations for the operation, Grau will also join in the patrol operation until he receives a reply from Sovetskaya Rossiya, Grau is heading towards the port when she arrives she could see his friend Angamos preparing for set sail, Grau enters her ship to finish his preparations to set sail, abroad the Angamos submarine sets sail and heads north at 9 knots, minutes later Grau also sets sail and heads northeast at 20 knots, her mission is to patrol the shores of the Northern Parliament.



The Angamos Submarine sonar detects something in the sea at a depth of 120 meters.

Angamos: A submarine? Is it German? No, the sound of the electric motor is very different.


The sonar picked up the sound of water injection into the torpedo tube and then the hatch opened.

Angamos: Water injection?


The sound of air discharge and the impulse of 9 torpedoes, the mysterious submarine had fired its torpedoes, the trail it was collecting was heading to the position of Angamos, She is the target.

Angamos: Maximum speed! 19 ° to starboard!

The submarine on the surface begins its evasive maneuvers, submerging is practically suicide since the torpedoes had been fired at different depths and in a fan formation.

Angamos: What WW II submarine is capable of firing 9 torpedoes simultaneously? Prepare Mark 48 torpedoes! Let's go into combat!

The submarine shone and fragmented into hundreds of cubes and equipment at Angamos, Angamos saw how 2 torpedoes passed by her flank.

Angamos: It was close. Immersion!

Quickly she dives.

[Tube from 1 to 6 loaded]

Angamos: Tube number 1 fire!

The hatch opens and the torpedo fires, and the torpedo heads for its target using sonar as its guide hunting its prey.

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