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In the room Grau and Sovetskaya Rossiya coordinating final details for the counterattack, the Royal Navy had sent them a telegram detailing all their plans.

Sovetskaya Rossiya: So the Royal plans to make a solo advance.

Grau: (Well, I expected no less from the empire of conquerors.)

Sovetskaya Rossiya: (Pointing at a tactical map) Apparently the fleet led by King George will head into the territorial waters of Iron Blood and open coastal suppression fire.Grau: I see, then they will make an invasion to land.

Sovetskaya Rossiya: Invasion?

Grau: Yes, a land invasion.

Sovetskaya Rossiya: (Realizing) Ah yes, I got lost, well, continuing with the session, the Royal has communicated an intention to capture or eliminate two ships of the Iron Blood navy.

Grau: Bismark?

Sovetskaya Rossiya: Yes and a H-class battleship.

Grau: I see.

Sovetskaya Rossiya: Okay, later we will do a Briefing with the rest.

Grau: I understand.

Grau leaves the room and goes to the port where she meets Angamos.

Angamos: (salutes energetically) HEY! Grau, hello.

Grau: Hello Angamos, you don't need to make a fuss.

Angamos: Well, I'm just excited to get into combat.

Grau: Well, we'll be on a mission shortly.

Angamos: A counterattack?

Grau: Well, yes, according to the Royal Navy it will be within 7 days, additionally the American fleet (Eagle Union) will go to attack the Japanese (Sakura Empire).

Angamos: Oh? It's a compacted WWII.

Grau: I think so.


In the main auditorium all the warships are present, they all murmur among themselves about what will happen next, in the middle of the murmur three Kansen enter one of them is the battleship King George, Kirov and Sovetsky Soyuz and they stand in the middle of the stage to talk.

George: Well ladies, as you know months ago the Iron Blood nation without any justification and they attacked us and not only that, but they also dared to attack the nation Parliament of the North, so we can no longer stand with our arms crossed, and Between the nation of the Parliament of the North and us, the proud Royal Navy, we decided to fight back and make them surrender.

When King George finished speaking they all started a hubbub for the reason that the Iron Blood nation was more powerful than them.

George: Hush! I'm not done talking yet!

After their monarch got upset, they all reflexively fell silent.

George: Well, although they are more powerful than us, we are more than them, we can overwhelm them, also, the Eagle Union headquarters sent two powerful allies, so there is no need to worry.

These words calmed the girls, but did not completely calm them.

Kirov: Well now I will talk about the composition of the fleets.

First Fleet: King George V (BB) (as leader), Perseus (CV), Cheshire (HC), Neptune (LC), Victorious (CV), Hermione (LC).

Second Fleet: Howe (BB) (As Leader), Formidable (CV), Dido (LC), Ark Royal (CV), Eskimo (DD), Exeter (HC).

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