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At the base near the dining hall, Wales walks with Enterprise while they talk, they are heading to I+D at the base.

Wales: The empire after the fall of Iron Blood, their power has diminished considerably, it will take them time to recover, however, we also cannot do anything.

Enterprise: You're right, after all we don't know anything about that black thing (Black Mental Cube) and also in our last fight, many of us ended up with serious damage, it will take time to repair, even I ended up with serious damage, minutes ago I was able to repair the damage to my track, however I am not in a fighting condition yet.

Wales: You're right, should we call in more reinforcements from Iron Blood?

Enterprise: No, I don't think they can cover the distance quickly, we will only have Grau, her friend Angamos and Bismark, plus there would also be all the ships that can finish their repairs.

After walking for a while they reach their destination and Wales opens the door and inside are Langley, Akashi, Ark Royal, Hornet, Amazon and Belfast.

Wales: Did you learn anything?

Amazon: Nothing at all, it has me very perplexed.

Langley: To begin with, we don't know anything about mental cubes, now that of a siren is much worse, we don't know anything, nor have we been able to advance anything in our investigations.

Ark Royal: (Sitting at one of the desks and reading some manga) It's a Pandora's box, I see.

Enterprise: Does it seem to me or does the cube shine brighter?

Wales: You're right, yesterday when I saw it, its glow was duller, we certainly have to assume it's a bad thing.

Hornet: I think we should keep this in a safe place, the siren will probably come for this thing.

Belfast: Yes, you are right.

All: (Thoughtful) Hmmmm.

Akashi: (freaks out) AAAAAA! What a hassle! That Akagi! What the hell has She done?

Wales: (Pensive) Akagi, is the main collaborator with the siren.

Enterprise: Well the problem now is Kaga.

Wales: You're right, without Akagi, how will she act now?

Enterprise: We should prepare to repel in case she loses her mind and activates that moustrocity in a burst of emotions.

Wales: You're right Belfast, inform ships in combat condition to prepare just in case.

Belfast: I understand.

Enterprise: ¡Belfast!

Belfast: Yes?

Enterprise: Inform Grau by a secure line that directs an observation in enemy territory, we will need her eyes on the imperial island.

Belfast: I understand, I will inform Grau-sama about the situation.

Enterprise: Thank you

Belfast leaves the room leaving the rest pensive.


In the base dining room, the girls drink and dine while talking to each other.

Ise: (Finishes her glass of sake and speaks somewhat melancholy) This is getting very troublesome.

Hyuuga: (Pouring herself sake) The Orochi project on hold, the dough siren are out of order, we are in dire straits is what I can deduce. (She has a glass of sake)

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