CAPÍTULO 4: Diálogos.

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In the air a helicopter cuts the wind, traveling at a speed of 150km / h.

(The conversation is on the headphones due to excessive noise from the helicopter engine)

Grau: [Soon we must have them in sight]

Enterprise: [¿Estás seguro?]

Grau: [I trust Cleveland and the girls to handle them, they are fine, I know what it feels like to 

take care of your sisters, so don't worry.]

Enterprise: [As we plan, we pick them up and take off]

Grau: [Calm down]

Unicorn: [Enterprise cares about her sisters, right?]

The helicopter continued its course until they saw them.

Enterprise: [That's the Cleveland ship]

Grau: [Cleveland, are you there?]

Cleveland: [Yes, I'm here]

Grau: [How are the injured? Do they need to be emergency transfers?]

Cleveland: [Only minor injuries and bruises, nothing serious]

Grau: [By the way we are passing by Enterprise over their heads, do not go down by mistake]

Cleveland: [Right, you mean that weird gray flying machine?]

Grau: [That same one]

Cleveland: [Understood]

Grau: [We have to return to the base now, we have guests from the Royal Navy that are yet to arrive]

Cleveland: [I understand]

Communication is cut off.

Grau: [You see Enterprise, it is not necessary to collect them]

Enterprise: [I understand]

The helicopter continued to fly towards the Pearl Harbor base, when they arrived Grau summoned his ship to land, then Grau lands the helicopter in manual mode on the aft flight deck of his ship, the engine turns off and Enterprise and Unicorn are They get off the helicopter, finishing the protocols Grau also gets off seconds later.

Grau: What did you think of the flight?

Enterprise: Quite comfortable if I'm honest, but it's useless against aircraft combat.

Grau: Of course it is useless, it is a helicopter for searching submarines, it can load a bomb to sink ships and additionally it can do reconnaissance or search and rescue.

Enterprise: So it's like a seaplane.

Grau: Something like that, with the difference that when it lands I don't have to pick it up with a hook from the sea, only that it lands on my deck as you have witnessed.

Enterprise: You're right, it's very useful in some ways.

Unicorn: Tell me Grau, can I have an airship like yours?

Grau: I don't think so since this helicopter will be a nuisance for a ship like you, since it is useless in close combat since it would be exposed to anti-aircraft fire.

Unicorn: I see.

Enterprise: Shall we? We have to give our reports.

Grau: Yes, let's go.

Enterprise and Grau walked to the office, when they entered they saw Wales, Illustrious, Repulse, Nevada and Langley.

PoW: Oh? Have arrived.

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