CHAPTER 6: Unwanted problems.

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At sea, a gray ship cuts the sea, in its case a number [53] is painted white and sails at 20 knots, its destination is the Northern Parliament, on the bridge of this ship there is a girl from 12 years standing behind the wheel.

Grau: Ugh, what a disaster, I should not have been carried away by my impulses.

She regrets for facing Queen Elizabeth and giving her what she deserves, she frantically looks at her radar in search of hostile contacts, it had been more than 20 days since she left Perl Harbor, as her radar can sweep at a distance of 400km he was able to avoid any unwanted confrontation.

Grau: Uff, I have one more week left to reach my destination.

She is still depressed, the ship continued its course.


In the office there is a woman sitting behind the desk, she is the most powerful and influential woman in all of Iron Blood, she is the battleship Bismark, someone is knocking on the door.

Bismark: Yes, who is it?

Tirpitz: It's me sister.

Bismark: Yes, come in.

Her younger sister opens the door and walks in.

Bismark: Yes, what is it?

Tirpitz: Sister, our cruiser division that attacked the Northern Parliament have returned.

Bismark: Well, get ready Tirpitz, our next move will see the Northern Parliament surrender to our army.

Tirpitz: Yes sister.

Bismark: Order Graf Zeppelin, U-101, Deutschland, Mainz and Z46 for a 2-day departure.

Tirpitz: Yes, sister.

???: what about me?

A woman who appears out of nowhere hugs Bismark from behind surprising Bismark.

Bismark: (uncomfortable) Friedrich der Große? What are you doing here?

Friedrich der Große: Have you no mercy on your mother?

Bismark: (uncomfortable) No! Is not that! ----- ah! Where are you touching?

Friedrich der Große begins to massage Bismark's shoulders.

Friedrich der Große: You are very tense, you should rest my daughter.

Tirpitz does not miss the opportunity to see the show, it is one of the few times that she could see other expressions of her sister other than her serious countenance.

Bismark: DAMN LET ME GO !?

Bismark got upset and threw a punch at Friedrich der Große, but she dodged it easily.

Friedrich der Große: (sensual voice) You're a naughty girl, huh? Come on, don't be shy.

Bismark: (furious) GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!

Friedrich der Große: You really are not honest with your feelings.

Bismark is at its limit in that the Bismark rig materializes and all its guns are aimed at Friedrich der Große.

Bismark: (intimidating voice) I said outside my office.

Friedrich der Große: Yes, Yes, Yes, I'm going.

Friedrich der Große walks to the door and leaves the office without any hint of fear, she knows very well that Bismark cannot defeat her, but to prevent a nuclear bomb from detonating she obeys.

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