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POV GRAU (1 hour before)

I am next to Minsk in one of the corridors, thanks to my thermal cameras the infiltration was relatively easy and without problems.

Minsk: Where are we headed?

Grau: We are heading to the I+D of this base, I have already found a guide plan on one of the floors, it should be on the 5th floor of this base.

Minsk: I understand.

Grau: In the I+D section there should be all the secret projects of Iron Blood, if we can access them we can discover what they are up to.

We go to that floor and we come to a door where it is written [I+D Data Warehouse No entry of unauthorized personnel] and the door has a magnetic lock and the wall has a screen with keys.

Grau: A password safe?

Minsk: What is it?

Grau: That the door won't open unless we put in a password.

Minsk: Now what?

Grau: Well, this lock is no match for a frigate, after all, a door pump is enough. Get away a little.

Minsk moves away a few meters and looks at me while I take out of my pocket a device that looks like a cylinder, this is a bomb used to destroy locks of this type, it is not lethal if you know how to use it, I put it on the door close to the lock and I walked away.

Grau: Turn around if you don't want to end up blind.

Minsk: (Confused) Huh?

Grau: Just do it.

Minsk listens to me and turns around.


The bomb exploded and the door opens.

Minsk: Hey! Wasn't it an infiltration job?

Grau: Don't worry, after all, everyone is busy repelling the Royal Navy attack, besides, that explosion was not as scandalous as a conventional bomb.

Minsk: Well, if you say so.

I opened the door and we entered, the room is with many shelves full of documents and boxes.

Grau: Well, check the documents on the right side and I on the left side.

Minsk: I understand.

Grau: It also tries to take photos of important documents. Do you remember how to use my camera?

Minsk: I understand and yes, I still remember how to use it.

Grau: Good.

We went and searched the documents, there were various issues, such as the H39, H44 project, among other declassified documents in my world, in which one of them caught my attention [Project FX-9]

(NT: It refers to the H-class battleship proposals, only that in this world of azur lane historical events are different.)

Grau: (What is this?)

I opened the file and read, I spent almost 15 minutes reading and taking photos of this document.

Grau: (Amazed) This is absurd, a drug? Return a Berserker to a Kansen? That's possible?

Minsk: What is it?

Grau: What the hell are these girls doing?

Minsk: (approaches where Grau is) What's wrong?

Grau: The girls of the Iron Blood have manufactured a drug that turns a Berserker to a Kansen.

Minsk: Is that good or bad?

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