Chapter 20

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Muggles surrounded us making us bump into them while trying to run for platform 9 and 3/4, we were going to miss it because Ron lost Scabbers again not letting us leave until he found him resulting in us being late.

Everyone was running, molly helping Ginny with her trolley, Ron and Harry side by side, Fred and George next to each other while I was sitting on George and I's trolley, it's become a tradition now we have always shared a trolley ever since our first year

I was grabbing on for dear life scared of falling off when turning corners, Fred and George were loving it they were having a competition of who can get to the platform quicker and as usual I was in the crossfire.

"George for goodness sake you're going to tumble over and hurt violet" molly screamed while trying to keep up

"That's the plan" Fred and George said in unison winking at me allowing me to glare at them and show them my middle finger

"Violet" molly said sternly

"Hehe sorry molly" I gave her my innocent eyes which always made her smile and forgive me, everyone couldn't believe I could do it and when they saw it for the first time they wouldn't let it go for weeks. Not even Ginny could do it

We ran through the barrier without stopping, Fred first then George and I, Percy following close behind we ran straight to the train not stopping for the rest, I went to grab my trunk when George picked it up carrying it to the train

"Feeling helpful today Weasley?" I smirked running next to him

"Why yes moon yes I am" he answered throwing the luggage above our compartment

"And where's my help" Fred asked

"Back with Percy" George replied smirking at Fred's horror ridden face.

Once he got our luggage up above the compartment he walked into it and I was already standing in waiting for him, I ruffled his hair and sat by the window, George sat next to me and Fred sat in front of me

"Thanks George" I smiled at him just then lee walked in which caused my brows to furrow

"Where's Angie" I ask missing the presence of another girl

"Oh she's sitting with Alicia spinnet and Katie bell she told me to not expect her this journey" lee answered shrugging his shoulders

"I don't know what I think about that Alicia she's always seemed to dislike me" I stated knitting my brows

Fred and lee stifled a laugh which made me look at them in confusion I turned to Fred and gave him the look that said we will talk later, he nodded his head showing he agreed

I looked out the window and my jaw dropped at the sight infront of me

"Erm Fred" I mumbled

"What" he said still looking at lee's tarantula

I stood up panic flowing through my body

"Why is your dads car outside the window with Ron and Harry inside!" I grabbed his arm

"What the fuck I can't belive they did that without us" Fred whined I slapped his arm, the second I looked back panic was on Ron's face and I found out why when I saw harry hanging onto the door outside of the car, I screamed and ran out of the compartment George hot on my tail.

Ron had drove to the opposite side of the train while trying to get Harry back on the car, we were running down the corridor and stopped when Harry had got back into the car, I sighed in relief and turned around to go back to the compartment already thinking of what I'm about to say to those boy's.

When I turned around I realised I was in front of the compartment Angie was in, Alicia stood in the door way a disgusted look on her face, I followed her eyes and saw she was looking and my hand laced with George's, I must of grabbed it subconsciously when I was panicking

I let go off his hand and walked off back to the compartment, what the hell was that about I wondered while walking. I sat inside the compartment looking out of the window worried for Harry and Ron, confused on why Alicia was acting like that trying to rid my feelings for George

This year is going to be a tough one I thought to myself

We were sitting in the great hall waiting for the first years to come in and just like that the door swung open and in they came professor Mcgonagall leading them to the front to be sorted. The twins and I were talking through the quiet parts of the sorting hat cheering when someone was placed in Gryffindor.

I was tracing shapes on George's hand when Ginny was called to the front I whistled in support, I mostly did it so she could find my face in the sea of teenagers, i visibly saw her relax when he eyes fell on mine I gave her a thumbs up and a supportive smile

When the hat yelled Gryffindor I stood up on the table just like I did with Ron and cheered the loudest for Ginny, she came running over but I couldn't get off the table people were all over the place leaving no room for me to step off, George must of realsied he looked at me smiling.

"Need help?" He asked

I nodded shyly, he laughed and put his hands on my waist picking me up and placing me on the ground

"Thank you" I whispered while tucking a piece of hair behind my ear I turned to Ginny and hugged her pulling her to sit next to me making sure to leave a space in front of us for when Harry and Ron to get here.

We were eating out dinner when the doors were opened revealing Harry and Ron covered in dirt, I stood up from my seat storming over to them, I could see them gulp when they saw me

I grabbed their arms and dragged them to the seats I left for them in between Fred and Hermione, I pushed them down and walked over to my side and sat down

I turned towards them and started scolding them for their stupidness

"You saw how molly reacted when we took the car to get Harry what made you think you could do this! That was a stupid Idea! I can't even fathom what was going on in your heads! Honestly why the hell did you take the car!" I was talking so much I didn't realise I never stopped to take a breathe

"We ran straight after mom and the barrier was closed" Ron whined

"He's telling the truth violet we ran straight into the wall and crashed there was no other way we swear" Harry rambled

I huffed and looked down "why does stuff always seem to happen to you lot"

They all sighed and agreed, we finished our dinners and set off to the dormitory, everyone went to bed almost instantly stuffed from the feast but I stayed in the common room with George and Fred

"You alright violet" George asked

I nodded and sighed "they always do things that could lead to them being hurt I can't help but worry for them all the time"

"They will be fine, they are friends with Harry Potter the boy who lived it was inevitable things like this would happen" Fred said while putting his arm over my shoulders

I nodded and walked to the sofa sitting down Fred and George following instantly we were talking for a hour when Fred got up

"I'm going up to bed night you two" Fred said

"Night Fred" I replied George simply waving a night to him

George and I stayed on the sofa talking until past midnight, I could slowly feel my eyes closing so I leaned my head against George's shoulder slipping into a deep sleep

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