Chapter 24

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I woke up Saturday morning dreading the day to come, George and I haven't spoke for 3 days, every time our eyes met we would look away no words were spoken between us, everyone felt the tension but no one dared to try and make us speak they knew we were the most stubborn people when mad

I reluctantly got up knowing wood was going to have a fit if I was late, I threw on a pair of leggings and a quidditch jumper refusing to eat breakfast in my quidditch uniform.

I sulk all the way down to the great hall meeting Harry in the corridors

"Nervous?" I ask him

"Definitely, look at their brooms the fastest there is right now" he started rambling on

"I would do this whole speech but wood has that covered for later" I yawn as we step into the great hall sitting down with the rest of the team

George caught my eye but we both looked away in a huff, no one was eating every one was too scared to face the Slytherin's today, but no one wanted to admit it

As 11 o,clock the whole school made its way to the quidditch pitch, everyone on the team went into the changing room and changed into their robes, we all sat down on the benches in the changing room ready to listen to woods speech

"Slytherin have better brooms than us, no point in denying it. But we have better people on our brooms, we have trained harder than they have, we have been flying in all weathers" wood started rambling on trying to be inspirational

"Too true, I haven't been properly dry since august" George muttered

I rolled my eyes but held back a laugh

"And we're going to make them rue the day they let that little slime ball, Malfoy, buy his way onto the team" he finished his speech to all of us, he turned to Harry

"It'll be down to you Harry to show them that a seeker has to have something more than a rich father, get to that snitch before Malfoy or die trying, because we've got to win today, we've got to" he grabbed his shoulder trying to get his message into his head

"So no pressure Harry" Fred said winking at him

I burst out laughing at that, I caught eyes with George and he looked down a emotion on his face I haven't seen in 3 days


We walked out onto the pitch and the roars from the stands were deafening, the Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's were cheering for us, no one wanted slytherin to win

Madam Hooch made flint and wood to shake hands which they reluctantly did sneering at each other gripping harder than necessary

"Ok on my whistle," she blew her whistle and we all sped up towards the sky

The Quaffle was thrown up and I instantly caught it diving in and out of the slytherin players heading towards the hoops, I was almost there when I got knocked off Montague hit me and knocked the Quaffle out of my hands

I was circling around trying to get that Quaffle back when I got distracted from the Bludger following Harry none stop even when the twins hit them they came straight back

Angelina passed me the Quaffle and I was speeding past as fast as I could when a Bludger came right at me knocking the front of the broom spinning me around knocking me off, I held on by one hand

As I jumped back on the broom and steadied myself I heard lee scream "Slytherin lead sixty points to zero"

I rolled my eyes and looked at wood seeing him signal for a time out, Madam Hooch's whistle rang out and we all flew down

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