Chapter 22

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It was after lesson when we were on our way to the quidditch pitch to practice the new plan Oliver had hatched over the summer holidays when he stood up abruptly

"I don't believe it!" He hissed looking forward

we saw flint stride over with the rest of the Slytherin team looking smug at the heated face on Oliver

"What are you doing flint we booked the pitch for Gryffindor today" Oliver basically spat

"Ah but I've got a note" flint smirked showing his messed up teeth

Oliver snatched the note and read it allowed

"I professor s. Snape give the Slytherin team permission to practice today owing the need to train their new seeker"

"You have got a new seeker, who?" Wood huffed

Just then the rest of the team stepped to the side allowing the new seeker to walk down the middle, we all held our breath then out came Draco Malfoy, the boy I've been avoiding for the past year

He started smirking until he saw me his smile faltered but instantly came back

"Aren't you Lucius Malfoy's son" Fred asked with disgust

"Lucky you should bring up Draco's father, let me show you the gift he so generously gave us" flint interrupted, the rest of the team pulled forward nimbus 20001's our mouths dropped causing the Slytherin's to snigger at us

Ron and Hermione came walking over

"What's going on here" Ron questioned

"Everyone has just been admiring the new team brooms" Malfoy smirked

Ron's mouth fell open no words making their way out

"Well at least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent" Hermione said crossing her arms

Draco's expression turned sour

"No one asked for your opinion, you filthy little mud blood" he spat causing gasps to come from all around us

"You'll pay for that Malfoy" Ron spoke walking forward

"Eat slugs" Ron shouted trying to jinx Malfoy but it backfired because his wand broke when they crashed into the whomping willow, he was whisked away by Harry and Hermione taking him to the hospital wing I'm guessing

I turn to the Slytherin team to see them all laughing, Draco laughing the most, the anger in me built up taking over my body and before I knew it I was stomping towards Draco grabbing him by his collar and getting into his face

"What the fuck are you laughing at" I spat at him

His smile fell, worry covering his face until flint spoke up

"You won't let a little orphan talk to you like that would you Draco" flint spoke up

George went at him but was held back my Oliver and Fred

Draco instantly started smirking again

"Of course I won't, even my family didn't want you, we had to fake dying to get away from you" he hissed at me

The pain in my heart hurt too much to bare before I knew it I had him up against the nearest tree with my fist in the air ready to make contact with his face

George came running towards me holding my arm to stop me from punching him, people all around gasped at my actions not seeing me like this, I turn towards the blonde haired boy in front of me

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now