Chapter 41

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It was a Saturday morning and a Hogsmede trip was allowed, the twins and I talked for most of the night about the marauders map, the twins believe Harry should have it but I'm not too sure, Fred, george and I had overheard mr Weasley and mrs Weasley talking about Sirius and how he's after Harry because he's Harry's godfather

All year I've been trying to protect Harry and keep him as safe as possible without being caught and all night the thought of Sirius turning up and hurting Harry was stuck in my mind while they were trying to fight their point

"Vi he will see Sirius on the map if he was here" George tried to convince me

"And he's smart he wouldn't seek out to fight him he would tell dumbldore" Fred placed the map in the middle of the circle

"Are you serious were talking about Harry he always seeks out fights" I raise my one brow

"He will be safer with the map he can see people coming at him" Fred tapped the map with his fingers

"But what about us how will we prank as good" I whine

"We know it off the by heart vi" George laughs

"Ugh fine" i say after a moments silence, I roll my eyes and stand up

Fred grabbed the map off the floor and stood up

"It's for the greater good violet" Fred ruffles my hair and walks out of my dorm room

"He's right vi" George says placing his hand on my face and rubbing my cheek with his thumb

"I know, I don't want him to get hurt that's all" I say melting into his touch

He bends down and kisses me

"Goodnight darling" he smiles

"Night Georgie" I say jumping onto my bed waving as he walks out

The next morning every one got up early to get to Hogsmede, the twins and I on the other hand had to make a quick pit stop to the statue of the humpbacked one-eyed witch

We were waiting behind the stature for Harry to walk past, the boys were arguing about who should give the map to Harry but I quickly hit both of them around the head when I saw Harry making his way back to the Gryffindor common room which conveniently means he had to walk past us

"Pst Harry" I whispered causing him to turn to us

"What are you doing?" He slowly asked "why aren't you going to Hogsmede"

"We came to give you a bit of festive cheer before we go" Fred smirked

"Come in here" George said shooing us all into a nearby classroom

"Early Christmas present for you Harry" Fred grinned taking the map out of his pocket

"What's that supposed to be?" Harry asked confused

"This Harry is the secret to our success" George took the map from Fred

"It's a risk giving it to you but we decided last night your needs are greater than ours" I said taking the map from George

"Anyway we know it off by heart" George told Harry

"We give it to you, we don't really need it anymore" I shrugged

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ