Chapter 2

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They pulled me through the woods and we walked out into a clearing I was shocked to see a tall house that looked like it could collapse at any minute it seemed to be held together by magic which it probably was.

The house windows were orange from the fireplace inside it looks warm and welcoming a home anyone would want to live in, We walk up, well I get dragged up to the house and as soon as you walk in you're engulfed with the smell of home cooked food and fire wood, I look over to see a women rushing over

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I TOLD YOU TO BE BACK FOR 5 ITS NOW 7 YOU COULD OF BEEN HURT" i'm guessing this is their mother, I slightly hid behind the twins flinching at the booming voice coming from her

"We were gonna be back in time but we bumped into someone" Fred explained

"who?" There moms interest was peaked George put his arm around my shoulders and pushed me forward

"erm hi" I squeaked out their mother gasped

"oh my god look at you you're covered in mud how about you go get a quick shower and food will be ready by the time you're out I'm molly dear" she replied taking my bag and putting it next to the door

I shook her hand "I'm violet"

"such a beautiful name" molly smiled "George go show her the bathroom would you"

He nodded his head "it's just this way"

I followed George looking at the house this is where I notice there are pictures everywhere, I counted molly had 7 kids 6 boys and 1 girl, they are lucky I would of killed for that many siblings, We walked up a spiral staircase and across the landing George abruptly stops and I run into his back to which he rubs his neck "sorry"

I look up "it's fine, this the bathroom?"

"Erm ye I'll bring you some clothes for when you're finished" George says walking away

I walk into the bathroom it's small but cute, a knock at the door makes me jump from my thoughts I turn around to see George holding some clothes

"I went to get some of Ginny's clothes but she's only 8, they wouldn't fit you so you can wear some of mine" George explained passing me his clothes

I looked up and smiled "thank you"

A "you're welcome." Came from his mouth as he walked out of the bathroom

I took my clothes off and jumped in the shower god it felt so good to have a shower I've been in that forest for days

I took the shower for granted and stayed in there a while feeling the hot water run down my back it made me feel calm but I knew I was going to have to get out as molly has made food

Reluctantly I turned off the shower and put on the clothes George gave me I was wearing grey joggers and a green jumper with G on, I've got to hand it to him it is very comfy

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now