Chapter 4

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I slept in the guest room still with the thought on my mind do I stay here, do I leave them I don't know but I have to give a answer tomorrow

I know they will give me more time to decide but i don't want to leave them waiting, I was lying awake for hours just staring at the ceiling working out the pros and cons but when I finally fell asleep I dreamt of being happy again feeling loved being part of the Weasley family when I woke up I knew I made up my mind.

I'm staying with the Weasley's

In the morning I got changed I was wearing black jeans and a white top with my brown wavy hair looking tamed for once, I walked out of the room which is now mine to go to breakfast

The aroma of pancakes filled the air making me drool I couldn't help but run down pancakes are my favourite

I jump off the bottom step and scream "PANCAKES" but to my surprise I wasn't the only one who screamed that

just as I jumped and screamed 2 other bodies did the same I turned around to find Fred and George looking back at me we all laughed

"so your favourite is pancakes too?" Fred nudged me

"how did you know" I sarcastically replied

We all rushed to the table pushing each other as we went until it turned into a full blown wrestling match

"IVE GOT HER FRED" George screamed out


we was wrestling for another 2 minutes until we stopped and realised Fred was no where to be seen

we looked at each other hair in the others hands then looked at the table to see Fred eating his pancakes with a smug look

"That smug little bastar-"

Before I could finish my sentence George's hand was covering my mouth pointing at molly's turned back "Sh she got so mad when she heard Fred and I swear" George whispered shivering at the thought

After we finished our pancakes the boys decided they wanted to play quidditch so I stayed in with Ginny, we did everything you could think from doing each others hair to makeup to dressing up after we were just sitting and talking we got called for lunch

4 weeks with the weasley's went by so fast Fred George and I are now known as the triplets as were born on the same day and we are joint by the hip I'm not mad at the nickname though

Fred George and I were playing quidditch when Percy's owl Errol flew into the window I laughed until Fred hit a makeshift bludger that Arthur had put a spell on for us to use in our games to make it fly at me

I chased after him ready to kill him until we heard molly calling our names so we flew down towards the ground to the twins dismay they both scowled at their mother but it soon turned into a excited grin when she saw what she was holding

Hogwarts acceptance letters "wow you guys are so lucky" I exclaimed

molly looked at me weird "what are you on about sweetie you have one too"

my mouth dropped "WHAT"

I started jumping around in excitement with the twins

"we have got to go to diagon alley" George said while shaking me and Fred

"Ye mom when can we go" Fred asked molly

"we can go tomorrow Percy and Charlie need to get their things as well" molly replied walking back into the house

After we ate dinner the twins and I told molly we were going to bed but I snuck into their room and all night we were talking about what we were getting from diagon alley until we all fell asleep on the floor covered in bundles of blankets

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now