Chapter 25

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When Harry was out of the hospital wing we found out Colin Creevey was petrified and it's true that the chamber of secrets has been opened. I was worried, I didn't know who my parents were if I was muggle born or not, but I was more worried about hermione especially since she's best friends with Harry and something is always going on with that boy

We were in the great hall witnessing all the first years huddle together in groups scared of being the next to be attacked. The twins and I were trying to cheer up Ginny, she sits next to Colin in charms so it hit her pretty hard

George and Fred were taking it in turns to cover themselves in fur and boils and jump out at her from behind statues, they seemed to do it a lot more often when I was with Ginny knowing I'm a very jumpy person.

I was walking with Ginny telling her funny stories about the pranks the twins and I have pulled trying to get her to smile when we walked past a statue and low and behold Fred and George jumped out screaming

I dropped my books and screamed, the corridor was filled with laughter from Ginny as well as the twins

"Are you two mentally deficient!" I screamed at them

"If we were mentally deficient we would of jumped out backwards" Fred winked

I scoffed and turned to Ginny

"These are your brothers you know that right" I say

"Ye for some odd reason" she laughed

I rolled my eyes and hooked arms with George, we haven't talked about that kiss since it happened but it hasn't been awkward so I'm grateful, we started walking behind Fred and Ginny

"You have joy scaring me don't you" I ask George

"Yupppp" he purposely pop's the P

He puts his mouth to my ear

"It's funny" he whispers

I smirk and roll my eyes placing my palm on his forehead and push his head away

We only took a few steps before Percy came storming to us

"Can you two stop scaring the poor girls!" He spat "you're going to give them a bloody heart attack" he carried on "you're scaring everyone out of their wits, screaming out of no where jumping out of hidden places, they think another attack has happened when you do that"

Percy's face was red with anger and I hid behind George to hide my laughter, my head was placed on George's back making it vibrate from my laughter, he moved his hands behind him wrapping them around my waist connecting them around my back

"Shut up" he whispered through his teeth

"I can't, it's his face it's as red as his hair" I whispered back

At my words he couldn't hold it in anymore he burst out laughing which made my laughter scream out, we were hunched over trying to catch our breaths when we looked up and saw Percy's face our laughter stopped

George grabbed my hand "run"

We turned around and ran down the corridor laughing and bumping into other people

Once we stopped we stood against a wall trying to catch our breathe

"He hates us" I breathe out

"Ye but we're funny he wouldn't understand" he chuckles in response

Time skip
It was the second week of December and Professor Mcgonagall was coming around with a list of those who want to stay for the Christmas holidays

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora