Chapter 29

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The Gryffindor common room was always very busy these days since the curfew and it often stayed that way past midnight, it was always crowded full of chatter of friends trying to entertain there selves and bangs coming from me and my friends

Fred George and I challenged Ron Harry and Ginny to a game of exploding snaps. We kept winning them but we played well past midnight, the twins wanted to play more but I refused

"Come on its late these three need to get to bed" I motioned towards Harry Ron and Ginny

"But violet" Fred pouted

"No come on off to bed all of you" I grabbed them and they gave me weak smiles

"But we wanted to play more vi" George whined

I sat down starting to put all the games away we played that night

"They are exhausted they were losing on purpose, Hermione being petrified has really got to them" I say turning towards them

They nod their heads to show they understood what I was talking about

"Fred can you go check on Ginny it seemed to of hit her the most" I ask

"Yeah of course" he responded standing up going to Ginny's dorm room

"Hey vi are you okay" George asked when Fred left the room

"Yeah just a little stressed, looking after them you know" I answer sitting down rubbing my head

"You don't have to look after them violet, you're ignoring your emotions trying to make them feel better" he said sitting next to me

"I know but I'm the only mature one who can help them right now" I flick his head smirking

"Hey I'm mature" he responded defensively

"And I can breath underwater" I rolled my eyes

I stood up and reached my hand out towards him, he looked at me confused

"We're going to bed" I spoke

He groaned and took my hand standing up, We start to walk to our dorms but I stop before we split up, I turn to him and kiss his cheek

"Night Georgie" I whisper to him and walk to my room

The next few days were normal considering the circumstances and the end of year exams were still going ahead.

Three days before our first exams we were in the great hall when professor Mcgonagall asked for our attention

"I have good news, Dumbledore's Coming back" she smiled at the students in front of her

"You've caught the heir of Slytherin!" A ravenclaw girl squealed

"Quidditch matches are still on" wood exclaimed making my eyes roll

"Professor sprout has informed me that the mandrakes are ready for cutting at last, tonight we will be able to revive those who have been petrified, I need hardly remind you all that one of them may well be able to tell them who or what attacked them, I am hopeful that this dreadful year will end with us catching the culprit" Mcgonagall allowed everyone to cheer

"Hermione is going to be okay" I excitedly told the twins

They both laughed and nodded their heads

It was later that day and we were all in the common room, I was helping Fred and George study for the exams when Harry and Ron walked in both looking sick

They walked over to us and sat down, I bent forward taking Ron's hand into mine

"What's happened" I ask

"Ginny's been taken into the chamber" Harry answered for Ron

"She's going to die.." Ron let a tear slip

I stood up panic flowing through my veins

"no no we have to do something" I said going to run out of the common room

I get held back by a hand holding mine, I look down and George is pulling me back

"Vi we can't you know we can't we have no idea where the chamber is" he lowly said

I start to sob loudly, I put my head on his chest and Fred leans on me hugging me Angie next to him hugging him

George strokes my hair and whispers things in my ear to make me smile

Once I calm down I sit next to them in silence tears still leaving my eyes

It was near sunset and I had enough the afternoon seemed to be going on for ages

"I'm going to bed" I tell them all standing up and trudging over to my dorm room

I hear someone walking behind me but can't be bothered to see who, I walk into my room and turn to see who followed I see Angie walking in, I close the door and sit on my bed with her

"I can't pretend to know what you're going through and I would try to make you laugh but no one can ever do that, no one but George" she says while stroking my back

I smile slightly but go back to my emotionless face, she stands up and walks out whispering a good night

I get changed and climb into bed when a knock makes me look towards the door

"Come in" I answer

George walks in wearing his pyjamas

"Cute pjs" I say

"Thanks" he responds sitting on the edge of my bed "you know we forgot to celebrate our birthday this year with all that went on"

"I know we're finally 15, what are you doing here anyway" i ask

"I couldn't sleep figured I would see if you was awake" he looked at me

I grab his arm and pull him up my bed towards me

"Stay here until we get sleepy?" I ask

"Of course" he smiled

He got under the sheets and I cuddled up next to him

"What are we going to do this summer then?" George asks

"I'm staying with Angie for the first few weeks then coming back to the burrow" I say looking at him

"What no why" he whined

"You will be able to cope" I laughed

"No I won't I'll be stuck with only Fred to prank people" he pouted

"You will be fine idiot" I start to shiver from the cold

He pulled the sheets up noticing I'm cold

"The real question is how will you cope without me" he smirked

"Oh believe me I'll be fine" I laugh

"I'm hurt" he responds

I hug him tighter and giggle, we talk about random things for the rest of the night distracting us from what's pulling on our minds. Will Ginny be okay

We finally fell asleep in each others arms, it was a restless sleep both waking up multiple times over the course of the night wishing this never happened

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now