Chapter 32

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After being back at the burrow for a few days we were sitting at the table eating dinner waiting for Arthur to get back, he was late today for some reason  but the clock said he was at work

I was eating my pie when a fork that wasn't mine went into it, I traced my eyes up the fork up the arm that was holding it and my eyes landed on George's face

He looked in my eyes not looking away for a second and put the food in his mouth, I gave him a death glare and he just laughed at me

"I'm going to kill you with my bare hands" I hissed at him

"I'd like to see you try" he smirked

I grabbed my fork and pulled it up to his eye, I was ready to stab him when Arthur came walking in with a wide grin

"Put the fork down violet I have news" he grinned

I slowly put the fork down still glaring at George

"So we're just going to ignore she tried to kill me?" George whined

"It's basically a daily thing" Ron rolled his eyes

"I have good news" Arthur smiled

"Well what is it Arthur your foods getting cold" molly rushed him

"We won the annual daily prophet grand prize galleon draw!" He shouted excitedly

"Oh my god Arthur!" Molly jumped up hugging Arthur then all of us

We all cheered and banged the table

"We can go see bill" molly kissed Arthur's cheek

"Oh violet we need to go sort our clothes out" Ginny jumped up dragging me away

"But my food" I whined

Time skip

We were walking out of the airport (Arthur wanted to see what it was like after I told them about aeroplanes)

"Vi I hate you for telling dad about aeroplanes" Percy whined

"Believe me so do I, I hate aeroplanes" I muttered

"So why did you!" Fred, George, Ginny and Ron screamed at me

"It was a mistake let it go!" I screamed back

I walked off from them trying to find bill, he was standing by the bus stop, once I saw him I started running up to him

"Bill!" I yelled hugging him tightly

"Parma violet!" He yelled back taking me into the hug

"I've missed you so much" I mumble into his chest

Just then all the other weasleys joined the hug

"What is it with you lot trying to kill me" I choked out being squashed by the group of red heads

They all laughed and let go

"Right let's get you to my house" bill grinned

Bills house is pictured above ✨💫

"Right mom dad you're in here" bill said pointing to a room

"Percy and Ron in here" he pointed to the room opposite molly and Arthur's

"Fred and George in here" pointing to the room next to Percy's and Ron's

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now