Chapter 8

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Time skip to Christmas

We were back at the burrow for Christmas, Seeing it all covered in Christmas decorations with snow falling outside the windows brought joy to me this is what a Christmas should be like

I was in my bedroom Christmas Eve wrapping my presents for everyone when George came running in I screamed and feel off the bed right on my arse what is it with this boy making me fall on my arse?

"What are you fucking playing at" I spat out while rubbing my arse

"BILL'S HERE" George screamed out,

Those words were enough for me to forget about falling off the bed and I ran downstairs George hot on my tail I try to trip him up to get to bill first

"violet piss off I could die" George fired at me

"good it will mean I could get to bill faster" i replied with a goofy grin

We both pushed and shoved each other while running down the stairs almost tripping more times than we could count

"BILL" I screamed when I reached the bottom running over to him hugging him while he twirls me around

"I've missed you Parma violet" I crossed my arms at the name he wouldn't stop calling me that after I told him about the muggle sweet Parma violets

"Are you kidding me" we hear from the other side of the room

both bill and I look over in confusion George is standing there red in the face with his arms crossed "haven't seen me in 4 months and you hug her first" he pointed at me

I walked over suppressing my laugh "awwww is little Georgie upset bill prefers me"

I flick his forehead and run away only to be met with arms around my body pushing me over I gasp and look up George jumped at me and pushed me leaving us both on the floor next to each other

"jealous much" I spit out getting up he huffs out blowing the hair that got into his face

"no" He responds

I roll my eyes and walk to the sofa while watching George and bill talk

Christmas Day came almost instantly I got woken up by Fred and George jumping on my bed (yes me and George made up almost instantly we're best friends what do you expect) they drag me out my room and down the stairs, I sat on the floor with the twins either side of me

As soon as molly came everyone dived in opening their presents I got a bracelet from molly and got a charm for it off of Arthur,Percy,Charlie and Ron

Arthur got me a microphone charm as he knew I liked to sing, Percy got me a quill charm obviously it's Percy, Charlie got me a dragon charm he really loves dragons, Ron got me a chicken drumstick charm this boy and food honestly and Bill got me a globe with a miniature version of Gringotts in from Egypt and if you shook it you could see bill going into work then turning around and waving

I hugged him instantly "thank you so much it's amazing"

Ginny got me a necklace a matching one to hers molly also gave me the traditional Weasley jumper it was black with a purple v on

"That means you're part of the family" Fred whispered in my ear

I then got passed from both sides of me a miniature display cauldron from George and miniature bottles to go with it from Fred.

"Because you're favourite subject is potions" George concluded

I went to bed that day happier than I have ever been wishing Christmas could be like this all the time

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now