Chapter 40

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It was the morning of our quidditch match and we were sitting at the Gryffindor table in the great hall eating breakfast, Harry had already been there before us and I sat next to him with George next to me Fred and Angie in front with Oliver next to Fred

"It's going to be a tough one" said Oliver who wasn't eating

"Stop worrying Oliver, we don't mind a bit of rain" I smile grabbing his hand over the table

George coughed slightly taking a bite of his sausage, I looked at him and moved my hand from Oliver's smiling eating my toast

"Come on we better get going" Oliver muttered standing up

We were walking to the changing rooms behind everyone else using umbrellas to shield our clothes

"Someone got jealous at breakfast" I laughed in George's ear so he could hear me

"You held another guys hand" he pouted

"It was Oliver Georgie" I answer pinching his cheek

"Still, you should only hold my hand" he smiled

I laughed and grabbed his face kissing him moving the umbrella in front of our face so no one saw

"Come on idiot" I laugh

We all changed into our scarlet robes waiting for Oliver to make his usual speech but there wasn't one he made a few gulping noises then shook his head and beckoned us to follow him

The wind was so strong we couldn't walk straight on the way to the pitch we all stumbled in time with the fresh thunder surrounding us, the Hufflepuffs were approaching from the other side In their yellow robes

The captains walked up to each other and shook hands Cedric smiled but Oliver looked like his jaw was locked and just nodded

We saw madam hooch mouth the words "mount your brooms" and she blew her whistle

I kicked off from the ground trying to see where the Quaffle was, I was knocked out of my thoughts by the Quaffle hitting my side, I quickly flew down grabbing the Quaffle making my way to the hoops

I was almost at the hoops when I got pushed by a hand on my chest and a person in front of me hit a Bludger out of my line of fire, I focused my eyes and saw George in front of me mouthing the words 'be careful', I nod my head and shoot the Quaffle into the hoop flying back to George high-fiving him

We both turned our heads at the whistle and flew down to the rest of the team

"I called for a time out, come on under here" wood pushed us all under a umbrella at the edge of the pitch

"What's the score" Harry asked wiping his glasses

We're fifty points up, but unless we get the snitch soon we'll be playing all night" Oliver rubbed his head

"I've got no chance with these on" Harry angrily yelled

I got my wand out of my robe and pointed it at his face "Impervius

"They will repel water now" I smiled

"Violet I could kiss you" Oliver exclaimed

"Let's not do that when we're in the middle of the game" George impatiently spoke

Everyone looked at him weirdly but looked back at Wood being used to him acting like this about me, we all went back on the pitch and took off

I was flying through the air when George came up to me

"What's happened" I asked Instantly feeling a heavy feeling in my chest

"It's Harry dementors are surrounding him we have to get to the ground" he yelled over the thunder

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now