Chapter 38

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The common room was quite empty tonight which I enjoyed, I try to get the twins to focus while studying almost everyday but when there are a lot of people they find ways to get distracted

"Fred stop getting distracted" I said without looking up

His mouth dropped open

"How did she know" he gasped

"She has super senses" George said impressively

"Yes I do now finish this and we can stop for the day" I tried to reason with them "but only if you don't get distracted through it"

"But it's charms it's hard" Fred whined

"I'll help" I said finishing my essay

The boys kept to their word and didn't get distracted so I let them finish, we were packing away when Ron yelled

"Oy get off you stupid animal!" He screamed

Crookshanks has dived at Scabbers slashing at the bag he was in

"Ron don't hurt him!" Hermione squealed trying to catch Crookshanks

Ron was swinging the bag and Scabbers came flying out the top

"Catch that cat!" Ron yelled as Crookshanks went after Scabbers again

George lunged for Crookshanks but missed and landed on his side, he breathed in quickly holding his side, I rushed over to his side

"You alright Georgie?" I ask

"that bastard cat" he seethes standing up

Ron and Hermione were glaring at each other

"Let's leave before we're stuck in the middle of that argument" Fred suggested

"Agreed" George and I said in unison

On Halloween morning I ran into the boys dorm room jumping on George's bed throwing pillows at Fred

"Get up get up!" I yelled in George's face

They didn't move, I jumped off George's bed and went to Fred shaking him

"Get up!!!!" I screamed in his face

"For the love of god you two get up" lee spat

"Oh no you're coming too" I grinned slamming a pillow in his face

"Violet why are you waking us up this early you aren't a morning person" George scratched his head sitting up

I ran up to George and jumped on his bed sitting in front of him with my legs crossed, I lean my elbows on my knees and place my chin on my interlocked hands, he smiled and copied my actions

"Because Georgie its Hogsmede weekend" I grinned

"Andddd?" He asks chuckling

"Honey dukes" I smiled widely

He laughed and flicked my head

"Go on then let us get changed" he said getting up walking me to the door

I turned around when I was standing outside of the door and I was being blocked by his body so Fred and lee couldn't see me

"If only Fred and lee weren't in the room" I whispered and winked walking off laughing

I met all three in the common room and I dragged Katie out of bed, Angie was already leaving to go on her date with Fred

"Fred stand next to Angie, lee next to Katie" I instructed them

"Erm okay" they said

The moved next to eachorher and all their brows furrowed

"Angie, Fred you're going on your date" I smirked waving them off

"Katie, lee you're going to go out together" I winked at Katie's face growing red

They walked off and I sighed smiling

"So what are we doing?" George asks

"Going to honeydukes obviously, come on keep up Georgie" I laughed going to walk off

"Erm no" he pulled me back

"What, no, honeydukes" I wined

"I want to do this properly" he grinned

"Do what?" I wonder

"Violet will you go on a date with me" he asked

"Of course I will Georgie" I smile "honeydukes?"

"Yes honeydukes idiot" he laughs

He wraps his arm around me and we walk to the carriages meeting up with the others

"Hey guys" Fred smirked

"Heya" I smile

He wiggles his eyebrows and I slap him around the back of his head giving his a death glare sitting back down in the carriage, Fred knows about what Dumbledore told us but Fred is the only one who knows we can't hide anything from him

We reach Hogsmede and jumped out of the carriages

"Ok everyone let's split up and meet at the three broomsticks at 4" I told them all

They all nodded and I pulled George into the direction of honeydukes but he pulled me away to a clearing near the trees, it was snowing so it looked beautiful, the clearing overlooked the village it looked magical and the snow made it even more magical

"What are you doing George I want to get chocolate frogs" I whine

"You and you're chocolate frogs we will get there in a second there's something I have to do first" he laughs

"Fine" I pout

"Right okay violet" he started

"Right okay George" I grinned copying him

"We have been best friends for years and I can't actually remember what it was like without you in my life but anyway I really like you and I'm asking you if you want to be my girlfriend" he rushed out saying the last bit and went red

"Hm" I say leaving a silence

"You know what never mind" he says starting to walk off

I grab his hand and pull him towards me

"Of course I will" I smile grabbing his face kissing him

He pulls back and flicks my head

"Why did you leave me in suspense like that" I whined

"Funny" I laugh

"Oh shut up" he grinned holding my waist kissing me again

He pushed me up a tree and started deepening the kiss, my hands were in his hair slightly pulling at it, he started to travel down my neck kissing it and a moan escaped my lips, he smiles and kisses my mouth again

A twig snaps and we pull apart looking around, we see Ron and Hermione coming up the hill and we run in the opposite direction heading for the village

"Hey Georgie" I say looking at him

"Yes darling" he smiles

"How long do you think it will take Fred to figure it out" I ask

"Definitely a few weeks" he laughs

"Really? I think a few months" I laugh with him

"Want to have a bet?" He grins

"You know me so well you're on" I shake his hand and we head for honeydukes finally going to get my chocolate frogs

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя