Chapter 17

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The summer holidays were going quick they always seemed to when they were spent with the Weasleys.

"Come here" that's all I heard before I was pulled into a room by Fred

"oi what are you doing Fred" I ask, he covers my mouth and pushes me forwards and a voice comes from the other side of the room

"Fred what are you doing this isn't a kidnapping" Ron's voice was heard he stepped into the middle of the room followed by George

"you kidnapped her, wicked" he laughed while eating jelly slugs I roll my eyes and flip them all off

I sit on George's bed George following while Fred and Ron sit on Fred's bed "what are you guys up to then?" I ask

"we're not up to anything what do you mean" Fred bats his eyelashes at me trying to look innocent

"I think you're forgetting I've known you guys for 4 years and we live together and we are always together at Hogwarts we're basically with each other 24/7 I know when you're up to something so tell me"

That caused them all to shut up and look and each other before turning to me

"you're a little scary sometimes you know that, brilliant but scary" they all say causing me to laugh

"come on then what's your big plan" I ask

Time skip

I stand up shaking my head "no you're all stupid leave me out of this no way in hell am I joining that foolish plan."

We were sneaking out of the house at midnight to go do this fucking plan we get into the enchanted car with Fred as the driver, Ron in the passenger seat and George and I in the back, when we got in I huffed in annoyance

"I can't believe you convinced me to do this" I said

George laughed under his breath earning a slap just as I was about to swing Fred started the car and we were flying up with a jolt.

I fell from the impact and of course I fell onto George. I was holding onto him for dear life

"you do know how to work this thing don't you" I ask Fred my voice trembling

"I'm sure I can work it out" He voices

I turn to George my eyes wide with fear until I realised how close we were our noses were a inch away from the others our breath mixing in the air but it was weirdly comforting

I got pulled from my thoughts when I saw George staring at my lips my cheeks turned red and I moved back

No violet stop it you can't do this you can't have a crush on George.

We hovered in front of Harry's window waiting for him to open the curtains, we all jumped when his face popped into view

"hiya Harry" Ron smirks

"Ron, Fred, George, violet what are you doing here" Harry asks

I move forward in the middle putting my head between Ron and Fred looking at Harry

"rescuing you of course" I playfully roll my eyes

"Go pack your trunk" Ron waves Harry off while hooking the bars to the rope connected to the car

Harry comes back to the window and I tap Fred's shoulder telling him to go

"put your foot on it Fred" George whisper shouts

Fred pushed his foot down on the peddle and the bars get pulled off causing a huge thud, Harry opens his window and puts his trunk into the boot of the car, we turn to the side Harry ready to get in

"Petuna he's escaping!" we heard Harry's uncle yell Harry grabbed Hedwig and threw her into the car at George and I,

I move into the middle passing Hedwig to Ron who's in the front seat allowing Harry to get in, he's almost in when his uncle grabs his ankle and tries to pull him back into the house

George and I grab Harry's arms pulling him towards us, I start to slip so George wraps his arm around my waist with his other hand holding Harry I put my feet on Ron's seat trying to not slip anymore than I already have

"For fucks sake Fred step on it!" I scream he starts going forward pulling Harry's uncle out of the window.

Harry closes his door and tries to catch his breath the only sounds in the car were from Harry George and I out of breath from the wrestling match with Harry's uncle.

I look at George, we catch each others eye and start laughing which causes me to look down, I catch the sight of George's arm still around my waist but I don't move it instead I lean back onto his shoulder and drift off into a sleep a sleep I wished I had in my bed back at the burrow.

My darling - 1 (George Weasley fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now