Chapter 7

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It was the morning after the sorting ceremony and I was in the great hall at breakfast with Angelina we were just talking about what classes we are looking forward too when we got interrupted by 2 red heads running in knocking us out the way when sitting down,I looked over at their red faces from the running

"Ok what have you done now" I looked over at Fred who was next to me glaring my eyes

They looked at each other shocked

"whatever do you mean" George sweetly responded batting his eyelashes.

I narrow my eyes trying to hide the smirk threatening to appear on my face "you were running, you're out of breathe, you're red in the face, you keep glancing at each other and at the door not to mention you almost knocked me and angie off our seats and now you're trying to act sweet and suck up to me so I will repeat what have you done?"

The twins looked at each other

"uno what George this is your fault she knows our tells" Fred hissed

"Me how is it my fault!" George yelled back causing a few heads to turn our way

"erm well you we are just too funny she couldn't stay away" Fred stuttered to try and find a answer

"see it's OUR fault not mine" George huffed while pouting

I slam my fists on the table sick of the bickering this early in a morning

"what. Did. You. Do" I repeated through gritted teeth and as if by fate the great hall doors flew open and standing there with flour all over him stood Percy

I couldn't hold back my laughter at the sight of him covered head to toe in flour, a prank I may of told the twins the muggles do

He came striding over anger apparent in every step "you three it's the first day how can you already do something so incredibly dim witted on the first day" Percy wailed

I stopped at his first 2 words you three? You three, you three he thinks I was in on this!

"it wasn't me it was just the boys I pinky promise Percy" I smiled sweetly holding my pinky out he took it with a sigh

"ok fine violet you're safe this time but you two don't think I won't be telling mom about this" he threatened

Their laughter quickly stopped at the sound of their mom finding out and mine started to ring out again

Percy left and went to clean up while professor Mcgonagall was passing our timetables we all huddled in a group to see what lessons we had together

It was every single one, every single lessons I had with the twins but I have angie as well it can't be that bad right? this is going to be the longest year of my life

I try to make my chapters long because I know I love long chapters but I never realised how hard it was I always write more than 400 words this is around 530 yet it doesn't seem long enough but I don't want to bore you with long descriptions.

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