🦋Class Time🦋

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Jisungs Pov:
I took deep breaths as we walked up to the school. Luckily, I was able to convince my mom to excuse all of our absense from first period. I got a scolding over the phone but we were excused nonetheless.

Anyway, back to my dilemma. Right now, first period had ended and we were about 10 minutes late to our second period. Which meant, all eyes were going to be on me and Felix arriving late. I felt like my heart was going to explode and I was going to cry my eyes out. I wasn't ready to face him and I definitely couldn't act like everything was okay when I knew they weren't.

I was a total mess. In the morning, my friends tried to get me to wear something that I usually wore since I've always had a very outgoing fashion. But I didn't feel like it. Today was a black jeans and hoodie type of day, to fit my mood.

As Felix and I neared the classroom, I could feel my breathing become heavy which Felix noticed. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah.. I'm okay!" I smiled reassuring him.

He smiled back and nodded his head.

We had arrived to our destination and Felix didn't hesitate to swing the door open to reveal the whole class.... and him.

My heart shattered seeing the way he looked at us. I know any teacher would look disappointed at a student who arrives late but it hurt me when seeing him look at me that way.

"Felix. Jisung. Nice for you to join us."

"Sorry Mr. Lee." Felix said and we both bowed before taking our seats.

"Just don't let it happen again."

We only nodded our heads in response.

As he continued on with the lesson, I couldn't ignore the growing pain inside of my chest or the swelling of my eyes.

I could feel myself breaking more and more just by looking at him. I know he's a teacher and has to act professional but he couldn't even spare a glance at me. He acted as if this last weekend never happened and that he didn't completely walk out on me.

I tried to keep myself together the best I could and not cry. But all I could feel was the sting in my eyes begging for me to just break down right then and there. I could feel my throat tighten as I held back the tears that had clouded my eyes.

At some point, I felt a few escape but I quickly wiped them away before anyone could notice. Luckily, no one noticed.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. But it was useless. I couldn't handle being here anymore. I quickly stood up and stormed out of the classroom without a word.

"Jisung! Where do you think you're going?!" I could hear Minho call me in a serious tone and heard him start to follow me.

I ignored it and ran to the bathroom, not able to hold my tears in anymore as I ran hoping I'd lost him.

As I made my way down the hall, I ran into Hyunjin who had happen to be going to the bathroom.

"Hanni? Why're you crying?" He panicked and took a hold of my shoulders.

"Jinnie.. I-I.." I couldn't speak through my sobs and just threw my arms around Hyunjins neck.

He responded quickly, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Shh shh.. It's okay Hanni. I'm right here." He whispered these things into my ear as he rubbed circles into my back.

He then pulled away and looked at me. "Hanni.. I hate seeing you like this."

I didn't know what to say and just looked down at the ground trying to hide my tears. Hyunjin then set his hands on my cheeks bringing my face up to meet his eyes. He leaned in and set his forehead against mine as he told me sweet things to calm me down.

We had always done this since we were little. Every time we got in trouble, got yelled at, or hurt ourselves on the play ground, we'd always connect our foreheads and whisper sweet things till we calmed down. As we got older, we didn't do it as much unless it was a situation like this. When we were uncontrollably crying or were in a state of panic, we did this as a way to calm each other. There was nothing romantic about it. It was purely just our friendship and how we expressed our love in times of need. Even today and now, it's only a form of comfort.
Nothing more.

Minhos Pov:
I was already 10 minutes into my class and Jisung wasn't there. I was starting to worry a bit as to why he wasn't in class. I also felt guilty knowing I might be the reason.

He had confessed to me and I didn't know how to respond to it so I didn't say anything except 'sorry'. I know, I'm so stupid.

In the moment, when he told me how he felt, I wanted nothing more then to kiss him and tell him that I felt the same way... but I couldn't. I can't feel that way about him, he is my student and I'm his teacher. It was already such a risk having a sexual relationship, that I couldn't let it go further. So that's why I left without a word and didn't express my feelings for him. Because we set the rule of 'not falling for each other' for a reason.

Suddenly, my door swung open revealing him and Felix. I felt my heart break seeing the state he was in. He was wearing all black and his eyes were red and puffy, looking as if he'd been crying.

I had to ignore every urge telling me to take him in my arms and put on the teacher act.

(Im not repeating the whole dialogue. Ya'll know how the convo went down.)

Through the class, I tried to sneak glances at him but if I made eye contact, I would loose control. So I avoided eye contact.

Suddenly he stood up and ran for the door. Again, I had to act like a teacher since I am and call after him in a strict tone... but I could still run after him. Everyone would just think he's getting in trouble for running out or me checking in on my student. Nothing sketchy about it.

As I chased after him, I saw him stop and run into someone's arms. I kept my distance to watch what they were doing.

I recognized the tall boy who had long blonde hair. His name was Hyunjin, and he was in my fourth period class. He was also the one I saw Jisung kiss on homecoming.

From a safe distance that I could still see from, I saw Jisung sobbing into Hyunjins arms. But what I saw next hurt my heart and made me feel like something was pulling at my heart strings.

Hyunjin and Jisung were leaned into each other. Their bodies were inches away from each other, Hyunjin was holding Jisungs face, and their foreheads were pressed together.

I could see the way Hyunjin looked at Jisung with love and concern. It made me jealous seeing Jisung being like this with someone other than me. But I have no room to talk. I can't even comfort him like that...

Hyunjin deserves him more then I do.

I turned away from the sight of them and headed back to my class. Once I entered, I put my teacher face back on, acting like I hadn't just seen something that shattered me.  I continued my lesson and soon Jisung returned back into the class with dried tears on his face and his hood pulled up over his head.

He took his seat back next to Felix and they held hands under the table and Felix made him smile.

I had honestly thought about saying 'fuck it' and confessing my feelings to him after class.. but then I remembered the way he looked with Hyunjin and I felt my chest get tight.

I won't bother.. he already has someone else.

Thank you for reading!!!!!

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