🦋Heart Break🦋

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Third Person Pov;
Minho woke up the next morning, roaming his hand around the spot next to him, trying to look for that familiar warmth of the boy he loved... but to no avail, the bedding next to him was cold.

He slowly opened his eyes already knowing he wasn't going to see the beautiful puffy cheeks, nor the cute heart smile that belonged to Han Jisung.

Minho bit down onto his lip, trying to keep himself from crying anymore. Instead he dug his face into the pillow next to him where Jisung had laid, taking in the faint scent that still lingered.

When the familiar scent hit his nose, he couldn't hold back the few tears that were able to escape his eyes. He peeled his face away from the pillow, and sat himself up on the bed. He brought his hands up to run threw his hair while he took deep breaths.

Once he was finally wide awake, he stepped out of bed and stretched out his aching muscles. After cracking his neck, he looked to the night stand to take his phone but there was a piece of paper folded up next to it. He grabbed the note and turned it over to see the neat writing.

To: Minho
From: Jisung

Minho felt his chest tighten and his breath hitch. What is this? He thought as he held the note in both of his hands. He was scared to look at the contents inside, because he knew it was going to be heart breaking for him.

After taking a deep breath, he slowly started to unfold the piece of paper to see the paper filled with Jisungs final words to him;


Please forgive me for saying this over a letter rather than to your face.. But I don't think I'd be strong enough to say any of this to you.
Anyways... Before I say anything more, I need to tell you that I have never loved someone the way I love you Lee Minho. You have become the person that taught me what it means to love and be loved, and made me the happiest I've ever been in my whole entire life.
You never failed to amaze me. You were always caring, open-minded, and bright. The light you brought into my life will never be forgotten. You filled a void inside my heart that I never realized I had till you came along and showed me real love. No matter what the situation was, you stayed strong for the both of us and I couldn't be more thankful towards you..
And although our relationship was unaccepted and a secret, I would choose it over everything. But because both of our futures are at stake, I'll choose to love you enough to respect you and keep your life together.
I only agreed to breaking up last night because I can't stand the idea of ruining your career as a teacher. I know how much you love it and how happy you are to know you're helping students graduate and achieve their dreams. That's one of the many things I admire about you.

Please never forget how much you mean to me and how much I love you.. I will never stop loving you, and maybe we'll get our happy ending in the next life.

I love you, Lee Minho.


-Han Jisung

Minho read over the letter, word for word, letting each and every letter soak in. Not even half way threw the letter, it was already being drenched by his tears.

He sobbed loudly as he crumbled up the letter in between his hands. Minho began to scream out as he threw the letter to the ground and started to hit the wall next to his night stand, over and over again.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He yelled out as his fists met the wall again and again with each scream he let out.

Soon he had no energy left to punch and leaned into the wall, setting his forehead against it as he his cries started to become more quiet. The crying made his knees give out and he fell to the floor, keeping his forehead and hands pressed against the wall.

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