🦋Our Future🦋

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Four Years Later

Third Person Pov;

"Han Jisung."

Jisung stood from his seat, walking up the big stage that seemed to be 1000x bigger than the one he walked across during high school.

He strode up to the stage, with the biggest smile on his face that grew more when he heard his beautiful boyfriend shout out, "WHOO! THAT'S MY BABY!"

Jisung laughed to himself from Minho being a loud mouth. Minho always takes every chance he gets to show the world that Jisung is his, since he wasn't able to the first year of their relationship.

As Jisung walked across the stage, he saw his friends in the crowd waving up at him. They had already walked across and been congratulated by the teachers and staff, so Jisung was the last one to walk across.

After Jisung shook the hands of the teachers, he walked off the stage feeling beyond proud of himself. I did it!

A little recap of the past four years, just incase you were wondering;

After him and Minho had gotten back together, they spent the whole summer together. Going out on dates, road trips, making love in some crazy places, and making the best memories together.

It did take awhile for Jisungs mom to get used to their relationship but now, she absolutely loves Minho and can't wait to call him her son-in-law.

About a year an a half ago, Jisung and Minho decided to move in together near Jisungs college so he could easily get there. He got accepted into a college with all of his friends where they all either studied music or dance. Jisung was obviously in the music program, perusing his dream of producing music.

Speaking of Jisungs lovely (ew. members) friends.. The summer before they all entered college, Felix had FINALLY confessed his feelings towards Chan. At the time, Chan didn't return the feelings but he had been open to the idea of getting to know each other. Now, Chan has never been more in love and he's already thinking of proposing, because he already knows that Felix is his soul mate and he wants to live the rest of his life with him.

And once all the boys had entered their junior year, Jeongin had also been accepted into the same college. Him and Hyunjin had ended up talking and became closer while he was still in his last two years of high school, but they never officially started dating because Jeongin went to school and lived about an hour away. So when Jeongin got accepted into the same college, Hyunjin was thrilled! He set up the cutest date for them and asked to be official that night. Jeongin joked around and said no, but don't worry, he said yes after Hyunjin almost cried.

But the most unexpected duo, that no one expected was Seungmin and Changbin! They weren't dating, yet. According to them, they were only friends and they just enjoyed each others company since they both always had to third wheel. But everyone knows that they lowkey like each other and are just too scared to admit it.

But moral of the story, they all became super close and all of them built a bond that nothing could compare to.

"Hey Felix?" Minho whispered over into the youngers ear.

They were all at Jisung and Minho's place, celebrating the graduation. They were all seated around the living room, talking about memories from high school and college that they all made together.

"What's up?" Felix replied trying to also whisper.

"Can I talk to you for a second? In the kitchen." Minho signaled over to the kitchen.

"Sure." Felix furrowed his eyebrows, wondering what he wants to talk about.

Minho nodded before turning to everyone, "Anyone want anything to eat or drink?"

Everyone all asked for a water and Felix perked up, taking it as a sign, "I'll help you out."


The two males disappeared into the kitchen. Felix went to the sink as Minho started to hand him glasses to fill with water.

"So what'd you want to talk about?" Felix asked while pursing his lips together.

Minho looked around the room to make sure no one was going to walk in and that they could talk freely. He turned back to Felix and grabbed something from his pocket. It was a little black velvet box.

Felix eyes widened, "Is that what I think it is?" He almost shouted.

Minho made a panicked face and moved his hands around to tell Felix to shut his mouth. "Shh! Yes it is, now be quiet!"

Felix put his mouth over his mouth as he jumped up and down excitedly, "When are you going to do it?" He asked with a huge smile on his face.

"Tonight.. I'm so nervous." Minho smiled, looking down at the box in his hand.

Felix almost cried from how cute it was seeing the way Minho acted when talking about Jisung. He couldn't help himself from wrapping his arms around Minho and giving him one of his famous friendly hugs.

"Don't be nervous! I know he'll say yes." Felix gave a huge and bright smile that could make anyone go blind.

Minho smiled back and nodded, "Well I would hope so.. I want to spend the rest of my life with him."

"Aww oh my goodness, you're going to make me cry." Felix fanned his eyes. Till he stopped and looked at Minho with big eyes and an even bigger smile then before (if it was possible), "Can I see it?!"

Minho shook his head, "Nope. You're gonna have to see it on Jisungs hand. It'll look prettier."

Felix scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully, "Fineeee! Ahh, I can't wait." Felix clapped his hands together.

Minho laughed while putting the box back in his pocket, and went to grab the drinks off the counter, "We should get back, we've been gone for awhile."

"You're right! Let's go!" Felix grabbed the rest of the glasses, barely.

They walked back in to the living room with arms full of waters. Chan and Jisung, being the lovely boyfriends they are, came and helped take the glasses.

Minho smiled to the two thankfully, "You guys were brought up right, unlike these other shitheads."

Hyunjin gasped and nudged Seungmin, "Is he allowed to say that? We were your students once Minho! You should be more nice." He crossed his arms.

"Well you're not my students anymore. Now you're the future uncles of our children." Minho said as he threw his arms over Jisungs shoulders from behind him.

Jisung blushed and hit Minho's forearm that rested around his neck, "S-shut up.. We're not even married.."

"Yet." Minho whispered into Jisungs ear.

Jisung turned around to face Minho and hit his chest with a bright red face, then leaned in, wrapping his arms around Minho's waist.

Minho chuckled at his flustered boyfriend. He wrapped his arms tightly around his shoulders and set a small kiss onto his head. "Let's sit down baby."

Jisung nodded and took his seat on the couch again with Minho sliding in next to him right after.

They shared a smile to each other before Jisung set his head onto the olders shoulder and interlocked their fingers together.

Jisung couldn't ask for more.. but he didn't know that MORE was coming to him.

Thank you for readinnngg!!!

Ya'll the book is almost over, I'm going to cry 😭

Also im just going to start posting the chapters once i finish them from now on!!

teachers pet | minsungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz