1) Introducing Trinity

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Beckham. May we please speak with you" one of the suits lady ask me.

"Ooooo" the guys said.

"Shut up! Yea no problem" I told then as I got up and followed them.

"I'm sure you are wondering why we are here. My name is Veronica Balis and this is my partner Jim Cryer."

"Nice to meet you. So why are you guys here" I ask.

"Do you know this lady." Mr. Cryer ask me. He showed me a picture of an old college fling. I remember her, we fucked occasionally. She was light skin, light brown eyes, and a petite figure, long dark brown hair.

"Um yea, Tia" I said.

" Tamara Jones. She had a daughter and she put your name in the birth certificate" Ms. Balis said.

"Lots of female do that now a days. I haven't seen her in four years" I said.

"Her daughter is four years old. We are sorry to say Tamara Jones has past away. " Mr. Cryer said

" I'm sorry as well. But I still don't understand,"

"We are with Social Services. And we have tried to get in touch with any family. Tamara seem not to have any. We need a family for her daughter and that's you."

"Yall don't even know it's mines" I said.

"We took it to the liberty and did a blood test. We got your blood test from your coach when you guys do your daily check ups and we got Ms. Jones Daughters blood and it was a match. You are her father." Ms. Balis told me.

"This is too much" I said sitting down.

"We are here to make a deal. We know you are a busy bachelor and don't want to be tied down with a child. So for a month she will be in your custody. When the month is up we will come back and if you want to still keep her you sign some papers and she's all yours. If not then you sign your rights of being her dad over and she will be emitted in the system for foster care or adoption. " Mr. Cryer said.

" Just a month."

"Yup" he said.

"What if I want to sign over her rights now" I said.

"No we want to give you the chance to see her and know her before you make this decision. Once you make it. Nothing and I mean nothing can reverse it. No court no judge can reverse it. " Ms. Balis said.

" Aight. What's her name? " I ask.

" Why don't you ask her yourself. She's in that room " she pointed to one of the weight rooms.

" Okay so what's gonna happen"

"Well when we found her. She didn't have any other clothes but three outfits. I bought her something. She was not living in the best conditions. " she said.

" So yall leave and she's with me. " I said.

" Yes. In fact we will get going now. Have nice day sir. We will check up in two weeks"

They walk away and I stare at the room where my daughter is. I can't believe I got a kid. My pull out game is always strong. I shook my head and walked in the room. A little girl was sitting at the bench presses. She was light skin, big Brown eyes, my nose and mouth. She had curly brown hair. She was cute.

"Hey" I said.

"Hi" she said.

"What's your name"

"Trinity Odella Beckham" she said standing up. She was to my knees.

"Nice to meet you I'm-"

"My daddy" she said as she hugged me.

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