Chapter 86: The Six Academies II

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[Viltania City]

Night came for Viltania city, a city which isn't monopolized by any surrounding territories, the only land in which everyone of all shapes and sizes among the land that they could go

As the night came, so is the day for the stall ended, as every Academy's representative needed to Meetup before the matchup for the following days, the kingdom soon held a party that will serve both as a welcoming event and the Meetup event for different Academy's representative

Dressed in his black tuxedo, Shun even dares to use the old tux he used back at Sephiria's birthday

Next to him were Goran who wore a tight blue tailcoat which showed his workout muscles which is enhanced by his clothes, Sonia who wore a lavishing purple open back one piece dress, and Rosalyn who wore a grand red fiery dress that has some unique features along with it that is quite beautiful and eye-catching

From the side Shun could even see the Ruby necklace that Sonia bought earlier turned into a purple jewel through transformation magic

Upon seeing it Sonia herself took notice of his gaze on it and gently but seducingly smiled back causing Shun to felt danger ringing all over his head

With that dress up of the four they soon entered the hall that was being held as the venue for the welcoming party for the six academies

"The representatives of Gritonnia Academy has arrived"

Upon announcing that to the people inside, the four of the soon entered the venue which was filled with not only the representatives but also the nobles who helped establish this event and the nobles who ordinarily lived here due to their own volition

Not only that on the platform one could see that the royalty was also there together with the King, Queen, 2nd Prince, and the princess

Since Cedric was still on an airship going to this place, it is only natural that they weren't here yet

On the screen beside them shun once again saw the list of participants


List of participants

Ascalon Academy

- Mario Sith
- Cynthia Fraum
- Rekka Loine
- Lorius Ejinto

Horoscious Academy

- Emily Lara
- Patrick Fronasio
- Luciano Aberia
- Leila Celestina

Orbium Academy

- Frederick Sauron
- Nathan Stan
- Solario Macaria
- Akito Tomura

Ballad Academy

- Hestia Bronchium
- Gordon Ordysey
- Zecarius Crossman
- Nape Ejallon

Elludkal Academy

- Fredo Srithim
- Cale Berothom
- Selena Locaria
- Marie Beria

Gritonnia Academy

- Rosalyn Breckt
- Shun Kurosaki
- Sonia Louverich
- Goran Kallos


Not only that but also Shun saw the names of the royalty below


King Hendrick Gallahad

Queen Bolivia Gallahad

Prince Edwin Gallahad

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