Chapter 126: Congratulary Celebration

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[Viltania City]

As the competition between six academies which were Gritonnia Academy, Ascalon Academy, Orbium Academy, Horoscious Academy, Elludkal Academy, and Ballad Academy finally ended in an exact time span of about a week and a half, a congratulatory celebration was then held in the residence of the royal family in Viltania City which were directed towards the very champion of the competition

Helding such a grand occasion, of course all representative's of Gritonnia Academy then stood at the very stage themselves together with the royal family and the various principals of the six academies

In actuality such an occasion was held the night of that final round, since everyone that had attended such competition needs time to prepare for such a grand feast

At this moment King Hendrick the current ruler of the kingdom which Shun is currently dwelling in then happily started out the feast while saying some words towards the audience

Of course for everyone that couldn't attend such occasion, this was then jointly aired towards various screens and larisa shards towards the other places so that everyone could hear his words and enjoy with them

"Greetings my people! It is i your ruler! King Hendrick! I'm truly proud of my citizens as such they have given me more that shock and surprise from this competition"

"I feel like everyone agrees to that right? In fact all of us were shock, astounded, surprised, excited, and maybe scared, due to various changes of the competition"

"I held such competition yearly between second years between the six academies for some reason, some were the reason to gain experience, some were the reason to scout for talents, some were to see and enjoy an entertainment, but mostly so that the representative's would naturally gain insights to the world"

"Through this they then knew just how big the world is, this is also to prevent themselves from being over confident just because they are the best in their academies, one example for this is the situation that Ascalon Academy faces"

"We all know that Ascalon Academy is a boni-fied top elite Academy which brews many high talented people every year, their contribution for the development of the kingdom is astounding that even i couldn't just turn a blind eye with, unfortunately Ascalon Academy isn't absolute all the time and this was proven during the fourth round and the final round of the competition"

"Yes! We can say that the battle was joint tactic between Orbium Academy and Gritonnia Academy to take down Ascalon Academy, but an efficient teamwork is need to take down someone who is strong, thus the battle was a clear example of it... this also serves as a fact just how formidable Ascalon Academy was"

"But nevertheless each Academy showed a splendid display of talents, but for this night! I'm here to proudly give the achievement medal towards the representative's of Gritonnia Academy for winning the competition, of course their MVP Shun Kurosaki"

With that King Hendrick then personally medaled Shun and the rest, after that everyone then applauded towards the champions for this year

"Hearby I call Rosalyn Breck! The leader of the representative's from Gritonnia Academy to atleast give a word or two towards the audience"

Hearing that Rosalyn then stepped forward as she gazed at everyone present in the room

After taking a huge inhale, she then said

"Truthfully I couldn't even believe that we won this championship this year, even thought we could only attend such competition once in our lifetime"

"But we do cherish this moment because of that fact, we have encountered so many different types of people through this and somehow had gotten to fight many talented people that each represented their academies, we may have each won against each other and we may have lose against other, even though such is the result i am still grateful to have known you all"

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