Chapter 12: Stone Golem Floor Boss

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[2nd Floor Dungeon]

More than half a day was spent before the group manages to familiarize themselves in the second floor of the E-rank dungeon

As they go deeper into the dungeon, the appearance of stone monsters became more frequent than ordinary monsters

Some stone monsters looked like ordinary monsters but made out of stone, because of this both Alex and Misha are having an headache as to how to prove their achievements if the spoils are all made out of stones

After some time passed the group came over the second floor boss dungeons door and we're currently ambushed by two stone serpents which they are currently engaged in a battle with

As the stone serpents opens it's mouth it was instantly bombarded by a series of flame magic from Misha combined with multiple spells from Yuumi which is binded at her


"Flame arrow!!!"

"Fire Sprite!!"

"Prowling Projectile!!!"

"Final Chapter!!!"

Explosions occured all over as this spells successfully landed unto the stone serpents

Quickly Alex in his dragon form spring up from behind and flapped his wings as he charged down on top of the stone serpent and brutally smashed his new sword unto the serpents forehead

With such attack coming from him and added by the strength of his dragon transformation, the moment his sword impacted at the stone serpents forehead it immediately exploded as bits of debris flew all over the place

At the other side Garen was pinning down another stone serpent with his weight and sword when suddenly Shun sprung up from behind and stabs the sides of the serpent with his Botrk sword and dragged it along the stone serpents body

The moment he reached its tail the stone serpents loses all life from it's eye sockets and lay dead

As they finish it up shun panted for a while as he swept the beads of sweats from his forehead when suddenly Alex, Misha and Yuumi approached him

"We're done on our side" said Alex

"Yeah! Us too were just catching our breath" replied Shun

"The monsters here are much more tougher than yesterday huh!" Stated Misha

"Well they are a second floor monsters" pointed out Yuumi

As they talked Garen walked over as he claimed that he is not tired at all

"Hahaha you guys lack training! If you were in my homeground I would have built you into a capable Demacian citizens and warriors" he exclaimed

When they heard him they gave him a glare at how confident he is

"Right! You guys have a hellish training so I'll pass" said Shun blankly

"I would like it too big brother Garen but I still want to live my life hehehe... So no go for me" replied Alex

"What they say" followed Misha quickly

"Hahahaha looks like no one wants your Demacian training" laughed Yuumi as she hugs her stomach from too much laughing

Because of Yuumi's laugh Garen felt insulted and thus made him argue with Yuumi and all

After that Shun gave Alex a health potion from the storage while for both Yuumi and Misha he gave them Mana and health potions

As he gave this out Garen look expectantly at him but Shun replied it with

"No for you! You have a healing trait plus you don't need Mana to use you skills so no potions for you" pointed out Shun

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