Chapter 70: Shun's and Sephiria's Date

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[Outside of Gritonnia Academy]

By the time weekend started, both Sephiria and Shun actually went out together as they dressed in their usual form

Shun was wearing a light blue hooded jacket that he customer designed and haved a tailor sew it for him, a blue shirt, tight leather jeans, and his cleaned rubber shoes

As for Sephiria she was wearing a light pinkish shirt vest together with a long one piece dress reaching the knees, together with the perfectly suited shoes

The reason for this modern designed clothing being worn by them was because for some reason it's only natural for shun to wear this, as for Sephiria she was greatly Influenced by the fashion thread of the anime's that she is still currently watching during the night in her own dormitory room

Of course such fashion quickly caught the eyes of both girls and boys from the capital and thus getting them quickly at some point as a center of attention

But after an hour or two the busy onlookers finally returned to their usual self

Firstly In the pretense of a date Shun actually brought Sephiria inside an enchantment shop filled with magic items in a everyday objects being applied like a necklace having an effect of additional defences

"So you brought me here for what reason exactly" asked Sephiria as she kept a calm face

"Well it's exactly as I intended! I came here with you so that I wouldn't be alone in doing this stuff in the pretext of being a date" he replied

"So the date thingy was... . . "

"A cover up" confirmed Shun as he gave a wry smile at her

Hearing that Sephiria couldn't even sort out her feeling of being angry at some point or crying in the pretext that she must have anticipated this day only to end up as fake

But before she could outburst cause of the lie, Shun immediately pulled her her close as he said

"But if you like to... Then we could have a proper outing later on after I finish this, so if you help me then we will be able to finish this faster than intended right?" He said while smiling cheekily

Hearing that Sephiria suddenly kept her emotions intact as she gave him a glare and said

"If you lie about that, then I'll declare that our relationship is off" she threatened him

"Relationship? We're not even in a relationship of being a lover nor a fiance" pointed out Shun

"Wha... . . I... I... Hmph!"

Unable to make a refute to what Shun said at all, Sephiria immediately went for the route of being stubborn as shun took out something from a shelf and made the store clerk to analyze such item

After awhile Sephiria was still in a mood of being stubborn as she goes "hmph" at every turn that Shun would talk to her

Seeing that unwavering spirit of being stubborn, Shun instead took something out of the bag that he just brought from the store earlier and pulled out Sephiria's hand by force

At first Sephiria planned to ignore every moves that Shun made to make him regret lying to her about the date and all, but then she immediately went into a daze as she begun blushing the moment Shun placed a ring on her ring finger

"Huh?!?! What?!?!? This... This... . . What's the meaning of this? Shun?" She said as she begun to panic

"Well basically that jeweled ring is actually quite expensive due to it's high additional defense stats, regenerate ability, strength stats and etc." Said Shun as he held up the bag showing other accessories for everyone

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