Chapter 12: The Huge Moment

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We are all seated by the assembly hall, together with the school principal and teachers by the stage, ready to announce the events that will happen this week and to pursue the announcement for best couple and best outfit award from the party last night. So we started with the school song and anthem and ended sitting again to start the announcement. So the principal started to go straight to the events from last night, announcing the top 4 couples for the Best Couple Award. She started with the last two couples, who were Tiffany and her partner Christopher, winning top 3, and Stephanie and Kevin, winning last place. After congratulating those two couples, Miss Da Silva said that she will announce the top 2, which in second place, was... Daphne Graham and Jake Washington, which the whole school was shocked and happily trilled for them, and then, the moment of truth, the principal went to the first position, which the principal was surprised herself, and said, "Ladies and gentleman, hereby announcing your new King and Queen for this year and our Best Couple Award winners, is Michaela Johnson and Michael Washington, everybody! A round of applause for them please, yes!" Everyone, meaning the whole school stood up and started shouting and whistling to Michaela and Mike as they were making their way up the stage.


"When the Principal announced my name and Mike's for the new King and Queen, and the Best Couple Award, I was so happy and shocked, that I could not even believe. Michael came next to me, and took my hand, and said, "Let's get our award, Mel, we have suddenly become the whole school's sweethearts!" With a smile on his face, I received his hand and we were heading straight on stage to receive our award, and our crowns, as King and Queen. The principal wanted us to say something, but since I did not feel like talking, Michael stood next to me on the mic. In addition, said the following, "We want to thank the people that have chosen us for this award, and making us King and Queen, even though this is our first time receiving something or being announced for something, which Michaela and I, is something big. So from me and Mel, we say thank you!" Grabbed our awards, headed back down to the audience, and sat on our seats. Daphne and her other friends were saying congratulation and well done and they have ended their assembly with some events that will acquire this week."


"Well after the fantastic moment by the assembly this morning, everyone was buzzing and congratulating me and Michaela. To be honest, I had no idea about nominating me and Mel, also, did not know that we would be known for the Best Couple award. Therefore, honestly, I am deeply grateful and appreciated by this. So we were heading straight to our register class, so we could start the day. As I was looking for Michaela, her friends told me that she was by her locker, so I rushed there as fast I could. When I reached her, she was about to lock her locker, so I said, "There you are! I was looking for you everywhere!" Shocked and surprised to see me, she said, "Oh hey there Mike, sorry I did not tell you where I was, I had to rush quickly here, so yea. Alright, I can tell you what we have for the first three periods." Taking my last 5-minute rest, I headed straight to my locker, opening and putting my award and crown inside, saying, "Thanks Mel, I already know what we have for those three periods, now come on, we gonna be late for register and the first class."


"When we arrived at our first-period class after entering and doing our register by our teacher, we quickly rushed out to go to our first period. The moment we arrived, everyone stood up and gave us a round of applause. Michael and I just looked at each other and giggled, joined our hands together and we headed straight to our seats." So for the rest of the second classes, our colleagues were taking pictures, asking us how it felt to be the Queen and King of CHS and many more."

"It was the end of our biology, when the school bell indicated time for break time, everyone started heading out. My friends, Daphne, Step, Gabby, and Bethany grabbed me so I could join them for lunch today, so I just went with the flow. Daphne said, "Well, well, your Highness, you were the new student with no history whatsoever, in this school, and now all of a sudden, you became the whole school's sweetheart? May I know your secret, your Highness?" Smiling and laughing, I answered, "Now, now my darling, I got no secret, the only thing you got to do is be original. 'Cause original, my darling, do not need a copy to repeat itself. Take note, my darling." "Note taken, your Royal Highness! said Bethany. After that, the conversation went interrupted by someone grabbing my crown and placing it on top of hers. When I saw who was it, Daphne and Bethany stood up, and pushed me back, saying and shouted, "Give that back to her, Deborah, you know very well that it does not belong to you! Do not push my anger side, Debby!" Looking around us, some of the students were staring and watching, so yea, we had an audience. As I was looking through the crowd, I spotted Mike making his way over to the fight, so he said, "Woah, girls, please not here okay, and please Deborah, can you please return the crown to them?" Super furious, she said, "Like hell no, am I gonna give this precious crown to that new brat over there, she does not deserve it, I am your truly Queen, guys, not her!" Since I could not just stay there and hide in front of her, I decided to go there and confront her. I said, "You can call me all the names that you are familiar with, but I know myself that I am not one of them. Knowing that I am only new in this school for only, what, three weeks, I am sure I made an impact here, noticing people as you would steal the show. However, at the end of this, the school and the staff have spoken, so sadly, I cannot change that. So if you can excuse us, we have a feast to partake."  Standing there with no words to say, she left the same way she came!" In the end, everything went back to normal. For now."


"After that unnecessary approach from Deborah by the cafeteria, I had to speak to her. Therefore, I excused myself from the table, to go and search for her. As I was walking around through the hallway, I heard someone talking to me like that person was complaining, so I immediately knew that it was from Deborah, and once I turned around, I got spotted right in front of her. She said, "Ah it is just you, your Royal Majesty, where is your Brat Queen, anyway?" Looking at her, shocked, I said, "I will not let you talk to her like that, like the same way you did before and a few minutes ago, you have crossed your mark, Deborah. And if I hear, you do something awful and embarrassing to her again, I will tell your mother and your daddy everything!" Shocked and furious Deborah, she said, "Oh look who is protecting the lady in distress, you do not even know her very well, nor do you know the history and where she comes from, brainy ache! "Oh Deborah, you are wrong, I know a lot and you know what, she is so different from you, 100% pretty, attractive, organized, smart, friendly and elegant, and not spoiled, rude and opposite from you!" I said. Feeling hurt and felt like crying, she shouted, "Alright Mike, I can see you have changed and that you were not that Michael I feel for, knowing now you have moved on! I guess we did not have a good history together, especially when I always pushed you away from your fame and getting praised from other people, I feel bad!" Being bothered and irritated on remembering those moments, I said, Yea, you are right, I was not happy at all, between us, I could not even picture any good memory of us, sadly. Nevertheless, I am not here to waste my time here any further, I have to go, my Queen is waiting for me. I wish you the best. Bye!"

In addition. after that, Michael turned around and headed on his way, while Deborah seated back, crying aloud and sobbing. When Mike arrived by the cafeteria, he joined the gang of Michaela and seat next to his friends. Therefore, the school bell rang, indicating that it was the end of break time and back to class.

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