Chapter 5: The Friendship Begins

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After the amazing short peep talk with Michael, Michaela could not believe how she pulled it off. Later that day, after her final period of Economy, she and her colleagues were still amazed and shocked at what happened that day. Then Bethany asked, "Mel, how are you feeling right now? Are you over the moon or what?" Still smiling, Michaela answered, "You can say that B, because, I got to speak to someone new today, even though he is not new anyway, but yeah, it felt good talking to him." With their happy and very curious faces, they all said, "Okay!". Since it was time to go, they all were waiting for their ride home, so one by one, they went and Michaela stayed behind waiting for her parent to come to pick her up. Across the road, was her brother, Lucas, who decided to join her. When she and her brother got tired of standing up, they have decided to sit by the door staircase, to feel more comfortable and rest their legs. A few seconds later, Michaela got a call from her mother, saying that she would not be able to pick them, so they had to walk home. Therefore, Michaela and her brother both lifted themselves from the floor and started to walk.

Since they do not live too far from the school, walking was a good exercise for them and also a good way to clear their mind after a stressful day. All of a sudden, something just came up next to them, a boy with his black leather jacket, in his truck, just stopped in front of them. As Michaela approached the truck and saw exactly who was driving, she gasped in surprise. "Oh hello there, Mike, what are you doing here", she asked Mike. He answered, "I stayed behind after class to do my Basketball practice with the team and I was talking to the coach, so yeah. What about you and who is the little guy next to you?". Answering his question, Michaela said, "Oh okay, well, let me introduce you to my brother, Lucas, he is going to the small school across us, the primary school, and the reason why we are walking is that our parents could not pick us up today." Feeling bad for them, and showing a heartbroken expression, Mike said, "Ah shame, I am sorry to hear that, but if you want to, I could give you guys a lift, with your permission." Looking into her brother's face, and making confirmation, Michaela said, "Yes, please, that would save us from walking in this quiet neighborhood." After Michaela puts her brother, Lucas, into the backseat, and sets herself in the front seat, they have set off down the road. Along the ride, Michaela was giving directions to Mike telling him where to drop them off. Since she always carries her set of keys to the house, given to her by her parents, Mike drops them right in front of the gates of the house. Coming back from opening the doors for her brother, she went back to say goodbye to Mike. "I want to thank you for doing this, you know you didn't have to." Michael looking away and thinking on what to say, responded, "No problem, that's what friends are for, right?" Speaking of being friends, may I have your number?" Thinking on what to say, she said, "I will give it to you tomorrow. Bye and thanks for the lift." Entering inside, and Mike laughing, he drove off and went off to his street.

A few moments, later, after being greeted by mother and father, and explaining how they got home, Michaela went to her bedroom and took out her books to start doing her homework. She is a super fan of homework and doing her work neatly, and very known for giving amazing answers, so it turns out, she is a smart girl after all. As Michaela was doing her homework, she received a phone call and it was from Daphne, saying, "Hey you, how did you get home?". Responding to her answer, she said, "Mike gave me and my brother a ride home, as we were still walking." Surprised, she said, "Wow, very smooth, huh, a lady in distress? It was first the compliments, now a free ride, what else does he got in store for you?" Laughing and smiling, she said, "Nothing that I can not handle, and then on top of that, he asked for my number, Daphne! Can you believe that?" Saying confidently, Daphne said, "Well, it is really up to you, but for me, the best decision is not to give it to him. I think it is very early to give someone your number you only meet for 2 days. Give it some days, and just talk. Anyway, how did your parents react about a ride home?" Still feeling bad about accepting, Michaela answered, "They felt upset but also grateful that we got home safely. Therefore, I did tell them that he was a classmate, who had a ride, that could drop my brother and me. So yea, I told them his name, and that's it." Distracted by the loud bang and running to Michaela's room, her father was calling to speak to her. She told Daphne that she would talk to her tomorrow, so she ended the call and went to her father. Breathing short heavy air, her father asked, "You said your college, the one who came to drop you today, was Michael Washington, right?" Trying to figure out why her father is asking, she said," Yes that's him, why?" Showing her a picture on the internet, was a picture of Mike in his basketball clothes on a game, he asked her, "Did you know that he is a Basketball player, and very well known here, in this neighborhood?" Giving her father the I-already-knew-this-before-you look, she said, "Yes, daddy, I knew." Relieved by her answer, he said that you should be good friends and that you must tell him tomorrow, that we are big fans of him, okay my dear.

The next day, its officially the third day of school, so it was the day of going back to basics. Arriving at her locker, she got a note saying, "Good morning, may your day be glamour and super awesome today, Mike!" Smiling and giggling, Michaela felt good and then came Daphne. "Hum, someone is smiling, on this beautiful morning, what happened?" Showing her what was on the note; she was amazed! "WOW", was all Daphne could say. Getting her books from her locker, Daphne waved Michaela goodbye and said I will see you at class.

Still, by her locker, Mike appears, with a smile on his face. Finishing up, she greeted him, "Hi there, Mike, thanks for the tip though, very thoughtful of you." While getting his key for his locker, he said, "Yea, no problem, it was meant for you, so yeah. Guess what I found out yesterday, that we do not live far from each other, I am only two streets up from where you stay." Amazed and wowed by the answer, she said, "Oh really, that is good to hear! And guess what, I just found out that you are basketball player, am I right?" Surprised by her question, he said, "Yes, Michaela, I am a basketball player, that is what I told you about when I dropped you off at your house, so how come you only found out yesterday?" Because by looking at you, you look like a random guy so that is what I figured you would be. Well, I am still convinced that there is still more that I need to know about you so, whenever you are ready to tell me, I will be there to hear them out." Convinced and gave a silly smirk, he said, "Alright then, so what did he say after that, your father I meant?" "He said that we must be great friends and be there for each other, you know, like just become friends." 

Realizing that he is quite late for his next lesson, he gave a quick wave goodbye and Michaela waved back and rapidly headed to her next class. 

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