Chapter 25: Day 2 of the Match

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"Waking up around 7:00 am and leave the apartment by 45, I gather my training gear and a water bottle, with the rest of the gang alongside me. The boys and I have decided to grab something small to eat and drink a coffee in a breakfast area near us. When we have arrived by the place, I parked the car and got out of the truck with my training gear and water bottle. We entered a place called Breakfast & Café and by the front door, we greeted the waiter. She had a neat ponytail and the uniform, which was red and white, with black sneakers with a white apron above her. So she had shown us our table of five by the window, and asked, "Hello there. Good morning, boys. Would you like anything for breakfast?" Saying it with a huge grin on a smile. Thompson was the one to say his order, along with Kevin, Jake and Steven saying their orders. Lastly, I was next, saying, "Hi, May I have some waffles with honey and a cup of tea no milk, please?" The girl waiter wrote down what i ordered and left with a smile, saying, See you soon. Enjoy!"

"She seems sweet and pretty." Said Kevin to me. I looked at him and said, "You already have forgotten about Stephanie, man! Dude, do not do that. Laughing and joking around, Kevin said, "Nah man, do not think like that. I have changed ever since Naomi (Kevin's ex girlfriend) dumped me for some black nerd boy. It hurt me very bad, so to answer your question, no, I have not forgotten about Step. She is such a sweetheart, crazy, loud mouth and sassy girl I have ever met. I like her a lot. She deserves something that I couldn't give to Naomi. Which is a lot of love and friendship, the rest shall unfold later. When I realize that I am falling for her and only her." Hearing him say that, I listened carefully. Yea, was Kevin really hurt when he found out about Naomi's new boy? That gave him a whole lot of confidence on being calm and wait for the right one to come. That to me means that he has changed and learning something new. Now hearing this about how he shall treat her from now on, I am happy to here. I am proud of him. Lost in my thoughts, Steven wakes me up with his snapping and I said, "Oh sorry guys, I was just lost in my thoughts." Just after that, our orders have arrived and we immediately dig in! We were very hungry!

"I am waking up with no Mike aside me, so I quickly sit up and I saw a note next to me, saying, " Good morning, Mel. I am going for training now with the boys so do not worry about me. We are quickly going for breakfast then we will head to training right after. See you by the benches! Yours, Mike."

So I quickly head out of the bed and started cleaning up by folding the blankets and fixing the pillows by putting them in order and lastly, cleaning the covers on the bed. When I was done, I headed for the bathroom and brushed my teeth. The next thing I heard were the girls starting to wake up, alongside with notes from their guys and started to set up their beds. Daphne greeted me by saying, "Good morning my dear sister in law, how are u doing? I am doing good thanks, Sister-in-law. How about yourself? "I am doing great. Woke up with a cheerful energy for day 2." "Yes me 2. I cannot wait what's going to happen today." Then, Step, Gabby and Bethany, came around us, giving us a back group hug. After that, we all laughed heavenly and I quickly adjust myself by saying, "okay girls, we had our fun, let's continue on cleaning up around the apartment and then we will get dressed and support our men's. So y'all ready to begin? "Yes!". "Okay, let's begin!" And we then spent the rest of the two hours cleaning and tidying it up.

For the next two hours and a half, the house was spotless. Still examining the apartment, Michaela was happy and proud. Right after that, she head to the bathroom and took a shower to get ready for the game in an hour. When Michaela was still by the shower, the two girls, Stephanie and Bethany, who finished with their duties and took a bath, came out with their outfits. Stephanie said, "Wow, we really did a great job with the cleaning, dusting, mopping and sweeping. It looks very clean. We did not need the help from the maid cleaner. Ha-ha! "Come on, Stephanie, you do not have to say it like that, said Bethany. While you are still sleeping, you find the apartment clean, so all you have to do is brush your teeth and bath."

A furious Stephanie shows her serious face and Bethany starts to giggle, causing Stephanie to laugh as well. Coming from their shower time, was Gabby, in a cute yellow tracksuit pants and top with blue strip from the pants and the jacket, with a pair of yellow Jordan's. "Wow you look cute and bright, Gabby, said Michaela. I also decided to put a tracksuit but this time, with red, black and brown. How do I look?" Spinning around and doing a pose, her friends said, "Yes First Lady, you are looking good, wild and Mighty!" said Daphne.

Lastly for Daphne's outfit, she wore a purple tracksuit pants and top with a orange strip on her pants and jacket. Melinda, Stephanie, Gabby and Bethany all looked at Daphne and admired what she wore, which was a silver tracksuit pants and a jacket with a red strip on the sides. With a pair of sneakers with sparkles around it. Matching with a sun hat and red shaded glasses.

Knowing that the girls were taking pictures and still chatting, they have realized that they were late, so they quickly headed out with their wallets and a water bottle, hopped on Bethany's car and drove.

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