Chapter 11: School Day, again

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Waking up smiling and hyperactive, she knew that this day would be perfect. Recalling all the events from last night, she smiled even more knowing that the most popular boy of all time has kissed her by the cheek! Well, she picked herself from the bed, cleaned her bed, took out her school uniform that was already dried and ironed yesterday, went to the bathroom, brushed, and took a bath. When she checked herself from the mirror, she was satisfied with the look and headed straight downstairs to eat some breakfast. Greeted by her mother, dad, and two brothers, she told them that Mike will pick her today to go to school, and then her parents agreed, knowing that they had no problem. The moment she finished eating her breakfast, which was her favorite, waffles with sliced bananas and honey on top! Yummy! She heard a hoot outside the widow, knowing that her ride was here. Then she said goodbye to mom, dad, and her two brothers and said we will see each other later. It was a Monday.


"I am heading out now, guys, see your family later on. Love you, guys!" That was my cue to say goodbye to my family and head straight to my ride, which was Mike. As I am hoping on the front seat of his truck, other people, which was Thompson, Jake, and Kevin, who was seated by the backseat of the truck, suddenly greeted me. Kevin was the first one to say, "You have a wonderful home and a beautiful family, Mel! And by the way, cute outfit." Replying to him, I said, "Thanks Kevin, that means a lot to me, and thanks for the compliment." Then Jake said, "Now I see why you have invited her to be your date, brother, she is very pretty!" Waiting on what Mike had to say, I said, "Thanks Jake, I appreciate it." Then Mike added, saying, "Yes little brother, she is very pretty and also I knew no one else who to invite so that's why I thought about her." Looking at me when he said, made me shy and blush, so not to show it, I looked away. Then the conversation switched rapidly about the upcoming match they had again in three weeks, and that this week until the final day was practice, I thought immediately of asking the girls if the girls would not mind picking me because of Mike's practice days. When we arrived at the parking lot, I saw my friends coming out of their car, and they ran to me, giving me a group hug. I love this! So after the greeting and giving their now boyfriends kisses, I went together with my friends into the school doors."


"As I saw Michaela and her friends going together into the school hallway, I and my boys followed them from behind. "Since when do you and Daphne go straight into kissing? asking my little brother, Jake. "That's a long story man, but to resume, after we got home, I walked her home to her house, and then I kissed her. Man, was it amazing kissing her with that soft touch from her lips. Then I asked her if she wanted to be my girl, she said yes! So that's the story." Satisfied with the answer, he asked Kevin, "And what about you, man? How did you do your charm on Stephanie?" Laughing and smirking, Kevin said, "To be honest with you, I was not the one who gave the first kiss, though she was the one who kissed me, and man, did she know how to do it right! I guess by that way she looked at me by the cafeteria that day; she wanted to taste. So yea, she had me on her charm though." Laughing and giggling after hearing the answer from Kevin, I went to Thompson and asked him, "And how 'bout you man?" Giving him a serious look, Thompson said, "This time, we did not kiss, I know it sounds surprising but I guess both of us want to be just friends and get to know each other with that, you feel me? I cannot just date her because she was my date last night, but that is just how I handle it, and I am glad she thought the same as well. So we are cool just by being friends." Scanning and listening carefully to what Thompson said, Michael knew that he had to do the same with Michaela, knowing that he had deep feelings for her. In addition, knowing that his friendship with her is special, I guess he should follow the way Thompson is doing with Bethany.

Therefore, he responded, saying, "You are right, man. I like the way you said your words. Those words reflected me on what is going on between Mel and me. I know she is special, pretty, and super attractive, but at the same time, I do not want to destroy her parent's advice on being good friends, I guess we should start there for now." All of his friends looked at him, with Jake asking, "What happened to the naughty older brother that liked to date girls that had flown, and who is this one, speaking so profoundly and sounds like he is disappointed?" You should be happy because knowing she is super pretty, you get to know her even better, as your first dance partner and best friend, so be happy bro, like me!" Knowing sometimes how his brother can be a pain by the neck, he said something that touched him, as the old brother. Hugging and nudging his brother's head, he said, "Thanks bro, and that advice also goes to Thompson, as well. Are you okay with that advice, Thompson?" Looking at him, Thompson said, "Yes, I am okay with that. Thanks, Jake." Then, we headed forward to the assembly hall, as soon the school bell rang.


"OMG, you people did not kiss, why?" asked Daphne to me. We seat by the tree branch, by the playground so we could talk about what happened when the limousine dropped each and one of us by our homes last night after the party. Therefore, I started asking Daphne about her story and she said, "So as we were the second couple to be dropped home, he walked me home, talking and laughing about some stuff, and then when we arrived by my house, he asked for my number, and then asked me if we could kiss, I said yes, so we kissed. After the kiss, he asked if I could be his girl, and yes, I confirmed." Looking at her expression, I was happy to see her happy, and then I asked Stephanie, "How 'bout you, Step, how did you and Kevin end up?" "It turns out that I kissed him, and man, was he surprised. He tasted so good, ha!" Laughing and smiling at her comment, I knew right there that she had feelings for him, like deep ones! I just love this girl.

"The next person I asked was Bethany, who was feeling a little worried and I could see that she was not okay, at all. Then I moved closer to her, and asked her, "Are you okay there, B?" Turning her head towards me, she said, "Nope, I am not good honestly, I mean I have to say though, hearing our friends enjoying themselves with their first kiss is good and all that, but for me, sadly, it didn't happen to me. Thompson was also honest with me, saying that we need to remain friends and save the kiss until we get to know each other better and enjoy one's company. But I can see that for you, it did not happen the same way, right?" Answering her question, I said, "Yes, you right, I guess he wanted to but then my father's advice took him for a while, about being best friends, and that, so yea. I feel happier because knowing that he is popular but super nice and good-looking, I guess his idea of being good friends is worth keeping on for. I think we should keep it like that, for a while. What about you and Thompson, will you guys do the same too?" Relieved and giving me a sweet smile, she said, "Yes, I think that it is a good idea!" Just when we were done talking, the school bell rang, indicating the time to go to classes. In addition, start our day with our first three classes. Then we lifted ourselves and headed straight to assembly.

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