Chapter 6: Here Comes Trouble!

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For the past two to three days at school, Michaela and her colleagues have been talking and getting to know each other more and more each day. For Mike and his new friendly relationship with Michaela, there were always security guards, someone who could not stand seeing her ex-boyfriend with a new girl, laughing and having fun with him. That watchman was called Deborah Smalls, a sassy, nasty, negative, always hated by fans, and has a bossy attitude, and loves, like really love bullying and talking bad about someone. All of a sudden, her new official target was the girl who was always with Mike, Michaela. Here is a short history about Deborah Smalls, she was also a freshman, in 8th grade, already with the negative, and talking bad stuff about other people, the one thing she did not like, was to work and do her homework. She is a total spoiled brat, meaning to say, that she has zero respect for her father, but admires her mother so much, spoils the money that her father gives to her for clothes, luxury accessories, and bold colors, and so many more. She is the crazy cheerleader, of the Eagle Warriors of CHS, and won the crown of Drag Queen by 10th grade. So moving on, since news spreads quicker than the winds blows, Debby has received new news about new learners, but the latest news she received was about a girl talking to her ex-boyfriend. That boiled her up!

She was so furiously mad at that person. So to introduce herself, she walked across the hallway, each step showing how mad she was until she had arrived next to Michaela. Looking away from her books, Michaela was face to face with Deborah, looking her straight at her eyes. Then she said, "Hello, who may you be? Uh, since you do not want to answer that, I can introduce myself, I am Michaela." Looking at her, still furious but decided to change the expression, Deborah said, "Yeah, I know who you are, you are the girl that is always around my ex. Maybe you have heard of him." Trying to find out who this Deborah is talking about. Michaela said, "Oh yes, I do know who you are talking about, what's his name again, Jacob, right?"  The angry-silly face that she had has turned completely furious and she said, "No, his name is not Jacob, it's Michael!" Surprised by her tone of voice, Melinda just laughed and asked, "Oh is that your boyfriend, like you were an item? Oh, but I heard that you know what, nothing, I will keep that extra information to myself." 

Going over her limits, she busted into fury and grabbed Michaela's wrist, saying, "Listen hear, new girl, you have been warned, and I am not gonna come to you again and tell you, but Mike is mine and you better stay away from him!" Getting mad at how she grabbed her wrist, Michaela ripped her fingers from her wrist, and this time, grabbed her wrist, saying, "Now that you have spoken, it's time for you to listen to me. I am not scared of you, you can try your luck pulling me away from Mike, but the truth is that he came to me. To add on, I came to school this year to get rid of people like you who like to pull me back and give me pain in the neck. So, Deborah, I am warning, with or without Mike, I still got my Father in Heaven who has been with me every day, in every way in my life. So go find someone else to foul, because I am 100% doubled- sure that I won't be fooled by you." Releasing her wrist, she added, "Now, if you can excuse me, I got a class to go to."

With everyone watching how Michaela defended herself in front of Deborah, Mike came next to her and asked if she was okay and she said that she was great.

A few moments, when the whole school was calm, again, the whole classroom, was asking so many questions about what just happened, who was fighting who, what was the conversation about and all that, so yeah. It was the cycle of noise, so Miss Hill calmed the class, and asked Michaela to stand, so she can explain what just happened out there, so Michaela started to tell Miss Hill the story. When she was done, Miss Hill addressed her to sit, and said the following, "Please, ladies and gentleman, if this happens again, do not be afraid to tell them first-hand okay, I do not want my class, to be known as bullying, or likes to fight. So please, I want to be the first before any teacher or staff member finds out, okay?" Everyone agreed, and the bell rang, indicating them to go to their first period. 

As the colleagues were walking, Mike and Daphne came to Michaela, asking, "My word, Mel, are you okay, did she hurt you? Did she offend you and threaten you?" Staring at her friends, she wanted to cry, and she could see that this two cared for her so much. Then she said, "Yes, I am okay but I am strong because I got to defend someone that I do not like, and my wrist is still sore, but healing, and she did threaten and warn me, about not speaking nor talking to you, Mike." As we were looking at Mike, waiting on what he had to say. He said, "Aw, I am sorry, Mel, I am so mad at her, right now. She does that to everyone I come across, for example, my best friend, a girl, who is my sister's best friend, she got so jelly of her, that she made a big mess and embarrassed me in front of them, pulling me aside and all that, so yea, she is a big troublemaker. If she comes back again, do not be hesitate to call me or Daphne for backup, okay." To end the conversation, he pulled Michaela across her shoulder, and hugged her, telling her softly in her ears, "I am here, no matter what, and also thinking about it, I think it is a good time to give me your number." Laughing and smiling, she pulled him away and said, "Okay, I will give you my number."

After the first three periods, it break time, so Michaela was seated with Daphne, Bethany, Gabby, Stephanie, and Michael, however, she got back up. Not to make the table quiet, one of them spoke and then everyone started talking and smiling again, even Michaela needed this so she could forget what happened today. "Hey Mel, do you want to come with me and grab some food for the gang? asked Michael. "Yea, let's go, tell me what to bring guys, and we will bring it over", said Michaela. So off they went to go get the food, by the cafeteria and settled again on their seats. All of a sudden, Deborah and her two supporters, passed the table, and called them "Freaks", and went off. Looking at Daphne, and the girls' reaction, I could see that one of them wanted to go and start with her, but I backed them and said, "Our sweet, confident talk does not help, we just have to watch her burn herself out, and then eventually, she will fall."

Turning my head towards him, Mike looked at me and said, "Mel, you do not know what she can do, I have seen it and it is not good, so a friendly warning, do not push her buttons." Thinking about it, Mike was right. Michaela did not want her to start her days here in high school on the wrong foot, so she decided to mind her and not focus on her for a bit. Nevertheless, the sweet and calm thing was that Michaela got to see the cautious side of Mike, care, and silly personality from him, it was very welcoming and friendly. So Mike announced to the whole group, saying, "Guys, my team and I are looking for partners for the Valentine's Day Dance Ball, so are you guys interested in becoming their partners?" Daphne, Stephanie, Bethany and Gabby, all looked where Mike's team so one of them said, "I will go if they invite me personally, so yea, not sure for the others." So Mike said, "Okay, alright then, I will arrange everything for you girls, do not worry." Mike smiled and looked at Michaela, giving her a wink, and exit himself from the table to go to his boys.

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