♛ Chapter 17 ♛

Start from the beginning

"Finally!" I exclaimed, rubbing my numb butt due to the long hours of sitting on an airplane seat.

After we reclaimed our luggage, two buses came to take us to the hotel and resort we would be staying at during our time there.

"It was boring without you," Cat assured me, patting my back. "These two wouldn't stop annoying me." She complained, pointing at both Easton and Nathan.

"It's better than mine," I told her. "I had to sit next to an old lady who kept telling me stories about olden times and a guy who looked like a pedo."

Cat made a face of disgust. "Ew history." He said, crinkling her nose.

"How about the pedo?!" Easton exclaimed.

Cat waved him off and shrugged. "Meh. No biggie."

Easton looked shocked at how Cat acted like it was no big deal but I knew she hated history with a passion.

"We've arrived at our hotel," Mrs. Rosella announced at the front of our bus. "Please take your luggage and meet me with your roommate and you'll receive the room key. After you have settled in, please report to the lobby for further instructions."

Cat and I threw each other knowing looks before we approached Mrs. Rosella together. She handed us two room keys and we grabbed our luggage and headed to find the room that we were assigned.

Once the hotel came in view, we both turned to each other in awe. The hotel was a color of white and gold and it was built like a castle. We could see the swimming pools and all the different activities that we would be able to do in the resort.

"This is going to be the best field trip ever," I muttered.

"Mhm," Cat murmured back. She was still in a trance on how beautiful the hotel was.

We entered our room and it was as breathtaking as the hotel itself. It had two queen sized beds so we didn't have to share, a tv with cable, two couches and a table, and a bathroom.

We settled in and started unloading our clothes into the drawers so it was easier to access. After we unpacked everything, we headed downstairs to the lobby.

Some people were already there and were seated on the couches that were provided. Cat and I quickly tried to save our seats before any more people could come because if we didn't, we wouldn't be able to have any seats later on.

A little while after, Nathan and Easton arrived and sat on the same couch as us.

"So you like the place?" Easton asked me.

I nodded enthusiastically. "It's very pretty." I said simply.

He nodded in agreement. "It is."

Mrs. Rosella clapped her hands to get everyone's attention once everyone arrived. "Okay class," She started in the best English she can. She was actually improving on her english. She taught us Spanish and we taught her some English. "Everyone will get an alarm which is a call to their hotel rooms signaling when they should get up and go to breakfast. It'll be at around 7 AM. Everyone will have to service community service hours as a life guard. Curfew is at 10:30 so after 10:30 you must all be in your rooms. If there is any trouble throughout this trip, you'll be well acquainted with me by the end of the trip." She explained. "Everyone understand?"

Everyone nodded. "There will be further rules soon once we get to them. Oh yeah and no phones while we are doing activities unless you want to get photos. Questions?" Mrs. Rosella looked around for any hands.

"How many hours do we have to serve as a lifeguard?" A random girl asked.

"One time will be fine," Mrs. Rosella told her with a smile. "You guys can go roam around the place during free time but you must have a friend or someone with you at all times. And please no wandering away from the group. I shouldn't have to tell you that but I am just in case."

We all nodded in understanding. "Great! Now to guys can head up to your rooms and get some rest for the long day tomorrow."

We all got up and made our way to the elevator to get to our rooms. I covered my mouth as I yawned.

Today was a hectic day.


Hey guys!

Sorry for the extremely short chapter. I haven't had much time to write lately so I randomly whipped this up so sorry for your disappoint if you were in this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it anyways!

Thanks to everyone who supports me. I love you guys!


~ Val.

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