♛ Chapter 14 ♛

En başından başla

I shrugged. "Nerds."

Crystal scoffed. "Yeah like Wesley Russo."

"Hey hey hey no hate," Cat put her hands up. "Wesley's a nice guy."

"Why do you loooove him?" Crystal teased, giving her a smirk.

Cat's face flushed. "No I don't," she said firmly. "It's just that he's my straight A's buddy!"

"Poor you," I empathized.

"Getting good grades isn't that hard." Cat pointed out.

I groaned. "Ugh don't rub it in. You're just used to it."

Cat shrugged. "True that." During the whole we were talking, we had already arrived at my locker where we usually went to gossip.

"Hey isn't that Easton? Talk to him!" Crystal whisper-yelled at me.

I turned my head to the right and sure enough he was there, standing seven lockers away hiding behind his locker door. I smiled. "Be right back."

As I made my way other to him, I tripped over air and almost fell on my face. I quickly dusted off the imaginary dust on my pants and pretended like nothing happened. "No one saw that," I whispered to myself.

I heard bursts of laughter sound from behind me. "That was hilarious," A voice, I recognized as Crystal's, gasped.

Crystal laughed harder in agreement. "Such great friends we are, laughing at each other's misfortune."

I decided to ignore them and instead replaced my scowl with a what I hope was a disarming smile. "Hey Easton."

He looked his locker and gave me a flat look. "Hey."

"You going to the dance?" I asked casually.

"No," He answered simply.

"Well I'm going," I told him, trying to continue this conversation. I couldn't even call it a conversation I was basically doing all the talking. It felt like I was talking to myself.


My eyes brightened and I opened my mouth to speak up but I was cut off. "Bye." Easton said as he began to walk away.

"What's with the one word answers?" I yelled out to him. He pretended he didn't hear me. I was almost certain he did.

My jaw dropped. Why was he being so weird?


I volunteered my house for the place where we could get ready.

Just kidding.

I was forced and this time I was the target of all my friends. It took a while until I finally agreed and here we are now, in my room, putting on our makeup.

We all decided to leave out hair as normal and put on light makeup because it was supposed to be a casual event.

"Done!" Crystal exclaimed as she stood back and admired her work on my face. "Put on your dresses ladies," Crystal ordered us. "We have to get there soon."

"It's only 7:00 Crys," Cat told her.

Crystal rolled her eyes. "We aren't going for the fashionably late look this time," She assured her, slipping into her dress. We all followed suit and by 7:20, we were ready to go.

A car honked from outside. "That's probably Cameron, Nathan, and Nick, Crystal's date. Let's go now," Crystal rushed us as we all slipped into our shoes and ran to the car.

"You look beautiful," I heard Nathan tell Cat.

I looked around to see Cameron texting a girl with a smile plastered on his face and Crystal giggling as Nick whispered something in her ear.

I felt left out. I didn't even feel like going to the dance anymore. It was always Cat that ended up being dateless but this time it was me.

I knew how she felt now and it wasn't the most pleasant feeling in the world.

The small smile slowly disappeared from my face. "Hey guys you can go without me," I told them. "I have something important I forgot to do," I lied.

"Are you sure Demi?" Crystal asked me as she looked at me, looking worried.

"Positive," I answered as I turned around and walked back up to my house. "Have fun," I said, slowly closing the front door. After it closed, I leaned on it and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

A knock sounded from the door and I groaned. I opened the door. "If you guys are making me go, I told you-,"

I was cut off when I saw Easton standing on my doorstep. "W-What are you doing here?" I managed to stutter out."

He stuck out his hand to hand me a red rose. I gasped and took it slowly. "Why?"

He shrugged. "Let's go to the beach," He suggested. "Dances are too mainstream."

"That makes no sense but okay," I chuckled. I took my purse off the hook next to the door and followed him to his car.

When we got into his car, I decided to ask him the question that had been lingering in my head all day.

"Why were you acting so weird yesterday?" I asked.

"Maybe because I'm weird."



Next chapter will be in Easton's POV. Sorry this chapter was so short... I just wanted to end the chapter like this so that's my excuse...

Hope you enjoyed the new chapter!

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