A...misfortunate announcement

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Hi, so, uhm....this is an update about the story, and as you can tell by the title, it isn't a good one.

I've been thinking about this for - a very long time actually, maybe a month or two?

I might be discontinuing this book.

Yes, I know it sounds like, idk...a jerky thing to do and I said the first arc will come to an end. But I have my reasons actually,

1st, I'm currently experiencing some problems regarding my closest best friend; when I mean close, I mean close like sister-bond close. She was the one who encouraged to start writing actually, this first book too and was my first supporter. So you can tell how much it tears me apart and is a headache to me.

I've been thinking about this problem a lot since half a year ago when I started to try to ignore her messages as best as I could. And just recently I talked to it with my other best friend whom I trust and I just...broke down crying that day. I'm not letting my parents to get involved since they have enough on their plate as it is with me and my siblings, especially during this time, and I should start learning on how to solve my own problems. 

So cutting it short, part of me still thinks there's hope for her, part of me doesn't, idk my personality is like that regarding my friends so I have to solve that and by myself. I still dk how to confront it tho, but I'm just going to try to do the best as I can and time will tell.

2nd, my grandfather isn't in best health right now. And no, it's not covid, it's heart problems which has been getting worse recently and, like any human being who is pessimistic, would think to worst-case scenarios where I wouldn't be able to see him anymore, etc. I know it's part of life, but hey it still hurts every time, amirite?

3rd, next year, I'm going to be SWAMPED with work because I have a major exam in 2022 which will determine my grades for colleges and job applications, and because of this year, I have a lot to catch up on.

Now, sure I could just not update once in a while or just pile up chps, but it wouldn't be easy because, if you can tell, my inspiration and motivation to write isn't....fulfilling what I had when I first began. 

That's also been bothering me lately because usually when I write and it's presented to an audience, I want them to really enjoy it and imagine the whole story on how I envisioned it together with me. You can tell by the recent edits I made to past chps (if you didn't know, go check it out since I won't be pulling down this book) where I fixed some errors with Grammarly, more like in a battle with Grammarly really on whose grammar is better, damn-

But I might  continue this book in the future, though Idk when, OR, I will be writing fanfics (I have one planned with my friend which we'll do together some time and publish since we're on school break until next year) or another book which has nothing to do with system genre whatsoever, but probably drama and romance. That one though is still unconfirmed but I'm going to try to write it out and see the outcome before posting so stay tuned on my profile.

But I'll admit, thank you for the readers that have been reading, and truly, I did enjoy writing this. This is my first book which was an original story that I've decided to share with people from around the world, it'll always have a special place in my heart. That's all, AND I'LL RETURN WITH A BETTER ENTRANCE- 🤣🤣

~KJ 🤧🤧✨

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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