System M-3607

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( EDITED 9.12.2020)
A/N Hi. Future KJ here. And no this isn't an update. I edited the stories so I can help future or present readers who are confused to understand easily. That and because my past writing I...

Yeaa I don't know her nor am I related to her. Yessir-

And because I felt kinda stumped and bad cuz I couldn't update often. I DECIDED TO DO THIS KEJWFHUH. Also, you can notice how I feel really unenthusiastic. Well, I made a mistake this morning of drinking passionfruit tea with milk- Never again-

~KJ 🤧✨✨
In a coral-coloured space, Helena laid sideways on the bed, seemingly unconscious. But, she slowly stirred awake from the loud voices she heard.

The light in the room, although dim, felt like it was burning Helena's eyes. It didn't help when she felt a buzzing headache coming over. So she resigned to only tilting her head whilst closing her eyes, gaining a slightly better hearing of the conversations between the two people in the room with her.

"," an unfamiliar but arrogant and threatening voice sounded, lowering Helena's impression of him.

"Yes, I understand..." the voice faltered. But as Helena was about to hear the next part, a buzz echoed throughout her head. The overwhelming pain was sudden, and she tried to bear it by gritting her teeth.

The attempt was futile. And soon, Helena's consciousness faded to black once more.
[ ...Host ]


[ Host, wake up or else you'll regret it... ]


With a splash of water, Helena jumped up. She was shivering in the now drenched clothes she wore. Her cold eyes surveyed the room before locking her eyes on the fox that was rolling on the ground, howling with laughter.

"You little..." she muttered before noticing the pocket knife she always remembered to bring, wasn't anywhere to be found on her body. Her elegant eyebrows knotted before she resorted to attempting to choke the fox.

But before she could do anything, the fox held a paw to her face to stop her.

[ No, Host! You're the one that wanted to leave your world so much! Be grateful to this fox!! ]

Her face immediately went dark, both from her sudden awakening from her sleep and this fox's arrogance, to which she assumed was the spirit animal form of her system.

"If I remember correctly," she huffed, "I was the one that chose you to bind with, not the other way around. And that it was those 'Higher Ups' that accepted me," she retorted, stumping him for a good few minutes before he replied.

[ I'm still the source of your living since we are bound together! Humph! ]

He put his paws on the hips, his nose high up in the air that it could surpass even the clouds.
Helena just stared, speechless, at her supposedly 'system'. When she read the purpose for it and calculated that it was her best choice, she would've never thought her calculations were from her expectations.

"How did I pick...such a dumb, arrogant and shameless system?" she asked herself despairingly. She should've just picked the other systems based on their personality and not the purpose!!

[ I...Does Host want to familiarize with the Parallel Void and me or not?! ]

The change in Helena's stance was like a flash of lightning that it left him speechless.

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