[Arc 1.2]

132 1 1

( EDITED, 10.12.2020)

The next morning, Helena woke up unusually happy. She had on a big smile on her face and her eyes were unfocused which scared her system.

[ H-host? ]

"Hm?" She replied, obviously absent-minded.

When she woke up, she felt a warm and fuzzy feeling fill her up, she found it unfamiliar but was quite happy with it. It gave her a sense of warmth and protection.

[ .... ]


[M-3607] Someone help!! Host is being weird!!

[A-2935] Hah, it's you M-3607? And you have a Host???? How is that possible???

[D-7590] Wah...M-3607, even I'm astounded. How did someone pick you???



This System wants to vomit blood!!

[ H-host, did you forget about today's agenda? ]

He had to use the means of bringing up her mission to bring her back to reality, which obviously worked on Helena, this low EQ person.

"Huh? Oh, right!" Her eyes focused as she remembered what she had to do. "If I'm not mistaken, it should be around...now."

Right before Maria's trusted maid and caretaker, Lily, burst into her room, she laid back down and pretended to have just woken up. Which, with her high-level acting skills, worked on Lily.

Lily looked at the drowsy-eyed girl who had 'just woken up' from her sudden outburst and immediately didn't want to break the news to her, especially when she had just woken up.

One moment, a person sleeps peacefully while their friend had to experience death and the next day, they wake up to find they had parted.

Who could handle such news? Not even a grown man could, much less the little girl she had watched grow up. Although she wasn't an only child and didn't receive most of her parent's love, Lily watched her grow up independently. She was only there as a caretaker, yet she had raised her like a daughter she never had as she was widowed from a young age, not being able to bear a child.

Lily bit her lip, not wanting to tell her but she knew she had to, she just...needed to break it to her gently.

With a heavy heart, she bent down, held Helena's shoulder and said to her. "Maria, dear, you know how...there's the one time where we have to just...let go of people?"

When Lily had said this, Helena was having a conversation about her character in this world.

'System, quick, what was my character's personality?'

[ Analyzing... ]

 [Ding! Maria's personality was putting on a mask of a harmless and playful bunny while in reality, she was a woman that exhibited indifference outside but was warm on the inside. No one but her dead enemies that have encountered her and family know of this. ]

'Damn, then I have to be an innocent bunny almost everyday?? '

She cursed again at whoever made this story. Her system, on the other hand, was laughing because she had to play 'innocent'.

Helena and her system nearly forgot about Lily being in the room. If it weren't for Helena remembering the reason why she had asked, she would've broken her character personality then and there.

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