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We manage to find a motel easily - well, not really. It wasn't easy trying to find motels since there were so few with this being a rather small and desert town. Secondly, finding a cheap one - that was another challenge. Eventually, as the sun was setting, we finally found one.

As some form of courtesy, Jimin offered to pay for our stay (I didn't bother arguing against that).

I drag my baggage up to the little attic that will be my home for the next (my heart falters) week. Surprisingly, the motel is packed. Surprising because it's a small town. Slightly unsurprising because this is the cheapest one.

There's a decent-looking bed resting in the middle of the room and that's it. A small room for a bathroom is tucked behind a corner and a small dusty window lets some of the setting sun's rays in. The view is all white since this motel is on the edge of the town - it's peaceful, save for the ruckus some people make in their rooms.

I shiver as I take Jimin's coat off. It's going to be a cold night.

A small knock turns my attention away from the window as Jimin shoulders the door open and places his suitcase on the floor. I watch as he takes in the room.

And then his eyes land on mine.

"Go shower first," he nods to the bathroom and I nod awkwardly.

"So now what?" I ask quietly as I grab some clothes from my bag.

"We wait a week. Try not to take too long - the water's going to be put on the bill," Jimin calls after me as I close the squeaky door.

Since it's freezing cold, I do not take long at all.


The water runs unsteadily in the background as I look out the window and sigh. I ruffle my hair as I sit on the edge of the bed, trying to not dirty it.

And then I look at Jungkook's things. No thoughts run through my head as I slowly walk towards it and start looking through it. A current carries me through this process - a soft humming voice telling me to make sure I am safe, that Jungkook has no weapons. His clothes brush against my fingertips and some panic in me urges me to keep looking.

"What're you doing?" a sharp voice cuts my daze and I jump, turning around whilst standing up. Water is sliding off Jungkook's hair and onto the carpeted floor and his eyes are burning bright.

"I-" I try to speak but it's only stammers. Crap. No. I didn't mean to-

"Please step away from my things," he says lowly. I don't need to be asked twice - I'm already heading into the bathroom, air running away from me.


When I eventually leave the bathroom, the room is already blanketed by the dark. Jungkook's lying on the side closest to the window and I don't want to wake him up so I slowly slip into bed even though my hair is still wet.

"Why were you looking through my bags?" Jungkook's voice is a whisper as he turns to look at the ceiling. I can't bear to look at him so I look at the ceiling.

"I wanted to make sure I was safe," I say softly.

"You're the one carrying a gun and God knows what else," he says roughly. I gulp.

"Just a gun and a dagger," I say as some form of affirmation for him to know that it's nothing else.

"How nice to know the options you have to choose between to kill me," he says snarkily.

"I shouldn't have gone through your things. I'm sorry," I say thickly. He turns back towards the window and I release a breath I'd been holding.


The morning light is soft and it warms me up slightly. I come into consciousness cold. The blanket's so thin and scratchy that I wasted no time surrendering it all to Jungkook last night. Speaking of Jungkook, I rub my eyes gently and see his mop of brown hair against the pillow.

I quietly swing my legs over the bed, grab some new clothes and head to the bathroom to freshen up.

When I walk out of the bathroom, Jungkook's already sitting up and stretching.

"Morning," I offer and he nods in response before taking his clothes and making a beeline for the bathroom.

And then I'm by myself again.


My hands grip the edges of the round sink as I peer at myself in the mirror. My hair is a mess. My eyes already have bags under them (to be fair, I didn't get a very good rest) and my lips are on the verge of cracking because of the cold.

I look pathetic.


"We should probably try to find something for lunch and dinner," I say as I step out of the bathroom. The cold air's already pinching at my skin and Jimin's rubbing his hands up and down his arms. He snaps up when I walk in before immediately looking away at the wall.

The atmosphere is painfully off.

"Then we should probably head down and try to buy some snacks too just in case," he murmurs, still not meeting my gaze. I try to meet his eyes but he keeps looking away. This sparks some kind of annoyance within me.

"I'm not mad at you about the snooping thing anymore," I say in confusion.

Why's he suddenly so... weird around me?

"I know," he starts to protest.

"So why're you not looking at me? Why're you acting so strange?" I push, my brows dipping deeper and deeper. He huffs before getting off the bed on the other side so it is now between us.

"Because you're gay!"

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