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Jimin simply nods before handing me one of his many coats (unlike me, he was actually very prepared) and telling me to be back before dark. We're both antsy because tomorrow is the day the train comes and puts our plans back on track (pun partially intended). To be fair, there is no real reason why we should be this nervous, I think.


The air is less biting than usual but other than that, everything about this town seems colder than the last. There are practically no people on the streets and those that are inside have their windows boarded up. I figure it's because they're poor and have no actual glass windows.

The sun occasionally warms my face and surprisingly, I feel rather calm.

I am kind of far away from Appa and I'm off to a new life.

A new life. New house. New routines. New friends, hopefully.

And then I realise that I'll have to live on my own for a few years with Dae coming back sometimes to visit. I inhale deeply and sigh.

A few minutes of silence pass before I hear a crack.

The kind of crack a branch makes when it's stepped on - and it wasn't me.

I turn around instinctively and there's a well-built man behind me, head ducked low. His hands are tucked into his pockets and he refuses to show his face. He seems about as tall as I am and his brown hair falls over his eyes. I frown a little and keep walking but the footsteps behind me are closing in. I pick up my pace and so does he.

My heart starts beating faster and I want to turn around and go back but I can't.

I'm frantically trying to remember if there is any way I can go back to the motel but I haven't been in this town long enough to know. What's worse is that there is no one in the streets to help me.

Dear Lord, help me.

My heart's starting to seize up and I decide to clamp down on the rising panic and fear and just take off. I screw it all and start sprinting off.

The man doesn't make it subtle at all as he immediately takes chase. I want to look back to see how far behind he is - I truly do - but I know that once I do, it's so over for me. The cracked buildings don't seem to stop as I keep taking turns but the man's already gaining on me so I keep pushing on.

When I round the next corner, the footsteps behind me are softer but I know better than to stop.

I need to warn Jimin.

The footsteps reemerge behind me and I yelp as my vision suddenly goes black and fuzzy. A bag is pulled over my head and a strong arm is hugging me in a way that restricts all arm movements. I want to throw up and gasp for air at the same time, it's painful.

"Let me go!" I shriek, kicking and thrashing about.

"Keep still," a gruff, low voice growls before a sharp needle pokes my arm.

And then my vision truly goes black.


The sun's already fully set and this snaps me out of my trance.

Where is Jungkook? How much did he need to walk to clear his mind?

My stomach growls but I decide to wait a little longer for him to return.


As every hour passes, I grow more impatient and frustrated. The sky is completely black now save for the snowflakes and Jungkook is still not back. But soon enough, my irritation melts into doubt and then worry - a lot of worry.

Has word about us already spread here? But then where is Jungkook? Crap. Did someone take him? But who? And how?

I look out the frosted window nervously and toil about in my own thoughts, trying to come up with an explanation, but anxiety grips me too tightly. I sigh, rubbing my temples and blowing my breath out through my mouth.

And then, in the distance, I see lights slowly come to life in the town square. They flicker in small dots and it sends chills down me everywhere. Unease sits itself down in my stomach, refusing to budge, and I get a sinking feeling.

I put on my cloak and cover my head and my eyes with the hood before stepping out.

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