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"What about you? What do you want to be when you grow up even more?" I ask.

His cheeks are red but his lips are redder from all his chewing on them. I can see some non-silver hair growing at his roots and I finally know that he has brown hair too.

"A musician," he says thoughtfully. I tilt my head and think about that. Jimin - a musician. It's a rich person sort of thing, I suppose. Only the upper class can afford instruments.

"What instrument?" I ask curiously. He looks at me and he smiles warmly - it catches me off-guard.

Jimin can smile. Who would've thought?

"The piano and violin," he replies proudly. If I could whistle, I would because that is talent.

"That's really cool, I hope you can show me someday," I say sincerely and he looks at me.

"You know what, I hope I can show you someday too."


The sky is darkening as we reach the outskirts of the town. Every joint and muscle in me is sore and wants to collapse.

"Cheap motel?" Jungkook asks - like that needs an answer.

"Yup," I say with a sigh.


Sweet gods is this room tiny.

There is a singular bed that can probably only fit Jungkook or me and a small patch of carpet beside it with a dusty, cracked window. I can't resist the urge to wrinkle my nose at the sight.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, your highness, this room was cheaper than the last," Jungkook chirps.


"We can alternate who uses the bed," he suggests. I look down at the carpet that looks like it's seen the dinosaurs.

"I'm not sleeping on the floor and I know you don't want to either. We'll just have to make do," I sigh in frustration.

"Okay, then. Well, I'm going to take the coldest shower of my life," he says as he opens his bag.

"Go for it," I say as I sit on the edge of the bed.


I sleep closer to the window and Jungkook sleeps closer to the bathroom - same as the previous time. Except now, he's right in front of me. His face is centimetres away from mine and for some reason, I can feel myself heating up.

It's embarrassing.

It's because he's gay.

I don't know what I'm afraid of. But then again, I've never shared a bed with a boy before.

I suck it up and turn away to face the window too even though I know the sun is going to fry my eyes the moment I open them when I wake up.


I feel Jimin flip over to face the window and doubts start making their way into my mind.

He feels uncomfortable.

My heart sinks a bit at this treatment after the fun afternoon I thought we'd had.

And I turn the other way.


The next few days are awkward but I still manage to keep it light and breezy with Jungkook. I do not want to turn anything sour too quickly whilst we're still growing slightly closer every day. I'm also constantly on my feet, wondering how long it'll take for word of us going missing to spread to this town too. And that makes me think of what Mi Cha wants - to lock me up? Sue me? Kill me?

I don't know.

I always wonder what Jungkook's thinking too. Or maybe he doesn't have to think since his route is simple - find the place Dae paid for and live comfortably from there on out. I have no plans after finding my aunt. I can't just stay with her - I'm not sure if she nor I am comfortable with that idea.


I always wonder what Jimin's thinking about. He's always pacing and thinking and I would crack a joke about him getting wrinkles earlier but I think he'd snap if I did. He's not to blame. I'm stressed too but I have a plan that has a higher chance of working out than his - I definitely do not tell him that.

The white scenery only gets colder every day I look out the window.

Today, I feel too cooped up. Jimin's still pacing. And I'm still stressed. So I do the one thing I do when I'm stressed.

"I'm going out for a walk," I announce.

Run With Me || JJK+PJMNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ