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My body moves to pry Jimin off Dr Kim's body. Blood is seeping onto the floor and I worry that it might be Jimin's. I nearly scoff at that thought - Jimin's the one attacking Dr Kim. I don't even know the context of this.

"Jimin- get off him!" I shout as I grab his shoulders, struggling to pull him off. But his hits keep raining down on the man below him. He pushes me off with such surprising strength that I stagger back and hit the windows.

"Jimin! Stop it!" I shriek as I finally get a glimpse of Dr Kim's nose - or at least what used to be there. It's a bloody mess - I can't tell if I'm looking at a bone. His lips are completely busted.

Attendants start rushing over and the commotion is making me hyperventilate. There's a lot of screaming and violence. Jimin's shouting something at Dr Kim but I can't hear him above the other noise.

One of the attendants pushes Jimin off and he stumbles back into me as I try to stand up - we both fall back against the windows as the attendants sit Dr Kim up.

There is blood everywhere. Jimin instantly makes a move towards Dr Kim but I wrap my arms tightly around his waist.

His legs thrash about and they hit the floor and my legs. I can already feel it bruising and I can imagine the blue-blacks that are about to bloom.

"Stop it!" I yell and he finally stops. I can feel his chest rise and fall beneath my hands - his heartbeat is racing ahead of mine. He finally collapses back into my lap in exhaustion and I yelp in pain.

"We're going to have to ask the both of you to get off the train," an attendant says coldly, looking down at us - two boys strewn on the ground. Deja vu.

Jimin pushes himself off me and I take a second to catch myself. He grabs his suitcase and starts to storm off. Right before he leaves the cabin, he looks down at Dr Kim and spits at him. This makes someone escort him off.

Someone approaches me and starts dragging me up, snapping me out of my daze.

"Yes, yes, I'm going," I shrug them off as I grab my things and walk off the train.

The sun is blinding and the snow is biting at my skin.

God damn it, Jimin.


I watch in anger as the train doors shut and the train moves on. My hands clench so tightly I think my palms might be bleeding. There is blood on my hands - I can safely assume most of it is from Dr Kim.

Dr Kim that absolute bastard. That- that-

"What was that?" Jungkook snaps beside me and I sigh, rolling my shoulders back to keep from slumping. My breath comes out airy in the snow. I turn to face him. Snowflakes are already dusting his brown hair, nose and lips.

His brows are furrowed and I can't tell if it's anger that's causing his cheeks to burn red or if it's just the cold icing his pale cheeks.

"What?" I ask dryly.

His palms run themselves through his hair. He points aggressively at the train tracks.

"That!" he shouts like there's a dead body on the tracks and I'm the killer. His arms then wrap around himself to protect himself from the cold.

"He killed my father," I say - the words feel so foreign to me. He stares at me.

"I don't care! You didn't want to tell me your whole life story just now! And now is certainly not the time to get me up to speed with your life! You just paused my life so you could do that!" he snaps. I turn my head away from him and wet my lips. My heart is on so much fire.

Of course, Jungkook wouldn't care. No one bloody cares in this bloody world. So what if my father's killers walk freely? So what? I should just live with injustice.

The thoughts start rolling into a sour lump in my throat.

I unzip my suitcase and get a trenchcoat out before zipping it back up. I shove it to Jungkook who looks like he wants to riot.

"You either wear it or I wait for you to freeze to death before moving on," I say matter-of-factly. He grumbles as he puts it on.

"Do we just wait for the next train now? We know how that went the last time," he snaps as he sits on the bench.

"The next train comes in a week because of some event happening in one of the towns," I mumble as I sit down on the other end of the bench. My thoughts are all over the place and I'm not really thinking of anything in particular - which is unhelpful, given our current homeless situation.

"So now we need to blow more money on some motel?" he growls. I look into the distance and my silence is his answer. He sighs loudly.

"Can you at least tell me why you did that? I feel like the least I deserve after having my plans being put on pause is a decent explanation and not some huge declaration of murder," he says in exasperation.

"My mother died when I was young. My father remarried. His wife, Mi Cha, only married for the money. That man on the train, Dr Kim, was my father's friend. My father was getting really sick. He suddenly died. The autopsy found traces of poison in my father. And seeing how Dr Kim reacted, he was definitely," I try to make my sentences short but I still falter as I blink faster to rid the tears that are building up, "definitely involved one way or another."

"Okay, and where are you headed to?" Jungkook continues.

"Paris. To visit a relative who's a lawyer. She can help," I say confidently.

"How sure are you of that?" he replies quietly. I look down at my hands and play with my fingers.

"She has to know how to help," I say with certainty before looking at him.

"Where are you headed?" I nod towards him.

"Paris. Dae saved up to get an apartment. She told me to run away and wait for her there," he says. My heart sinks. He has a back-up plan. I laugh bitterly - because I don't. I don't have a back-up plan if this goes up in flames.

"You lied. You said you had nowhere to go in Paris," I simply state.

"I know."

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