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He's still studying me and it's frustrating how I can't see him. For a moment, I think the moon is making his hair look silver and then it hits me - his hair is silver.

"Can you please let me go?" I grunt as I struggle against his hold. His legs are pressed against my sides to prevent me from wiggling about too much. I try to focus on how long his legs are and I finally come to the conclusion that I am taller.

That gives me all the confidence I need.

I hook my legs around his, push my hips up (which sends him flying above me), grip onto his wrists and flip him over so that I am now on top. He yelps and I wince.

"Can you stop thrashing?" I say menacingly as I hold him down firmly. He struggles but eventually stops. And now I can finally see him - and it's my turn to stare.

His hair is silver which means he's probably dyed it. But that's so,,, expensive - especially with the shade he has going on. And then it dawns on me.

"You live in that house?" I ask.

"Yeah. Why?" he retorts defiantly. My mind's not coping well with whatever's happened in the last five minutes.

"What're even doing out here?" my brows furrow in confusion.

"No, you tell me what you're doing here first. This is still technically my property," he fires back instantly, probably plotting my murder and how he's going to dispose of my body here. I mean, there are enough trees to hide a body properly.

I look blankly at him as I try to think of what he's doing here and if he can do anything with the information I might disclose. He can't be on a night walk. I lean away from him, still keeping my hands on his wrists, and toss a look behind me. His suitcase sits in the rain.

I can feel him tense up below me as he watches me look at his suitcase. I turn back to look down at him, the rain sliding off my hair onto his face. He frowns as it hits his skin. We're both soaking wet at this point, the raincoat is of no use - although it is tugging on my clothes rather irritatingly.

I inhale before looking him in his brown eyes.

"I'm running away. I think I memorised the wrong route. I was going towards the lights because I thought it was a house. I wanted shelter for the night," I say plainly as I stare at him.


What the actual hell.

I furrow my brows again as I look at him. The rain is rolling off his raincoat and onto me which is absolutely infuriating. I am drenched. I send a silent thank you for my waterproof suitcase.

"Why're you running away?" I ask, trying to buy myself time to try to make any kind of plan.

"That's none of your business. Now you answer. Why're you here?" he grits.

"I'm also running away," I smile humorlessly, without my teeth.

"Don't lie to me. What're you actually doing?" he repeats with more menace. I tilt my head slowly.

"I am running away. You say my bag, didn't you?" I answer dryly, but the answer burns at my throat.

Mi Cha's going to skin me if she heard the commotion and comes out.

There are multiple beats of silence as he considers me.

"I'm going to let go of you but you have to promise to not run or tackle me. I just want to talk," he says carefully.

"In the rain?" I reply instantly, sneering at the thought of it.

"Do you see any other better place?" he shoots back. That zips my lips. He seems to do a silent countdown in his head before letting me go. I groan as he gets off me and start massaging my wrists as I sit up. He's frantically taking his raincoat off and placing it over his baggage. I feel a bit sorry that his items probably got wet.

His shirt is clinging to his body and I have no doubt I look the same. My palms are planted on the rough cobblestones below me as I lean back onto them, my legs outstretched, and watch the man, boy, person, try and shelter his things.

"What did you want to talk about? I have places to be. If you want, you can take refuge at my house. I'm sure Mi Cha won't mind," I say snarkily as he sits cross-legged in front of me. The rain's making it hard for me to keep my eyes open and alert.

"Who's Mi Cha? Are you married?" his doe eyes widen and his lips part. I frown in disbelief.

"I'm not that old," I say, ridiculed by his question.

"How old are you?" he asks.

"Why're you asking me all this? Just go ask to take refuge," I say, starting to stand but he grips my wrist and drags me back down.

"I don't know where to go after this. I really need to go to the train station," he says desperately, still clinging onto my hand.

"Just ask Mi Cha-"

"I don't know who Mi Cha is!" he yelps impatiently. I groan in irritation.

"I can't help you, boy," I say condescendingly, trying to get him off me.

"I'm seventeen!" he retorts. I tilt my head. That is awfully illegally young to be doing this.

"Why're you running away?" I ask carefully. I don't want to be charged with helping a minor do anything wrong - although I am a minor myself, at least I can trust myself.

"Abusive household," is all he says. I nod slowly. I tilt my head in frustration.

"Well, I still can't help you," I repeat insistently, standing up - he doesn't stop me this time, just sits on the wet pavement like a sad lost puppy.

"Please help me. I really have no where else to go," his voice breaks at the end.

I stare at him like he's grown a second head. I can feel my pulse race and I'm starting to sweat despite the rain. He reminds me of me. He just wants help.

But I can't. I can't.

Run With Me || JJK+PJMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon