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My hands start gripping onto the edge of the bench as the darkest blue starts spilling over the black sky and sunrise becomes imminent. I'm so screwed. Appa has to know by now. But he's probably still knocked out from the alcohol from last night. So Eomma might know? Would she tell him?

My fingers start drumming against the bench.

I look desperately at the man beside me.

"Why is the train not here yet?" I plead - like he's God and he can make the train appear (and maybe make me straight enough to return home and give up).

"I don't know," he growls irritatedly, ruffling his hair.

"Look- I get it. You're running away too. You're also worried. But if there's a chance that we're at the wrong place-"

"We're not," he says lowly, still looking straight ahead. I've been in enough arguments to know how quickly this is going to escalate.

"But if we-"

"You can leave if you want to-"

I'm about to cut him off when too burly men emerge from behind the singular wall of the station.

"Hands up where we can see them!" one masked man yells, waving a knife wildly.

Oh, Good God.

I jump in fright and stand immediately - the man on the opposite side of the bench does so too. His freaking silver head is blocking my view and I kind of hope he stays in front of me - I don't want to be directly in front of the crooks.

"Empty your bags now! One by one!" the other man demands. My heart plunges and starts digging its own bloody grave. If they find the money (it's only a matter of time now since I'm supposed to open my bags), I'm doomed. And possibly dead if they don't want me ratting them out to the police (though I doubt the police would do anything).

Mr Silver Hair puts his hands up and walks back to me (still facing the men) as the armed men approach us menacingly. The silver-haired man drags his suitcase with him until I'm a shield between him and the armed men.

That's it. I'm going to die as a rich guy's sacrifice. Just great.

"I'll open my bags first," he says steadily, arms still raised. When the men give him a nod, he slowly crouches down to open his suitcase. I slowly step to the side when the armed men motion the knife at me to move aside so they can ensure that Mr Silver Hair isn't going to just run off.

The top of the suitcase is lifted and the men instantly make a move for it.

And then in a split second, Mr Silver Hair is standing, arms outstretched... steadily holding a gun.

If I could choose a time to drop dead, it would be now. Right now.

"Don't move closer or I'll shoot you!" one the men say, knife still pointed at my... pal.

He exchanges a glance with his accomplice who suddenly drags me by my arm, his nails digging at my shoulder. And then a cool blade is pressed against my neck.

My eyes widen and I try not to panic or do anything that'll hurt myself.

"Put the gun down or your friend dies," the man pointing the knife at Mr Silver Hair warns.

Please, help me. Help me. Help me.

My breathing turns ragged and I think I might start to cry again. Damn it. The look frantically into Mr Silver Hair's stupid brown eyes and then his stupid gun. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

And then, like it's the day that just keeps giving, I hear the chugging of the train approaching.

"Quick!" the man who has his knife at my throat shouts when he realises what we're both realising. The train's going to come and someone will save us. Bless. Bless the heavens.

"If you're not going to put your gun down, we'll kill your friend and then you and run with your things before the train gets here," the knife-wielding man threatens.

Oh my God. Just kill me.

"He's not my friend," Mr Silver Hair's voice shakes but his hand is steady. The whistling of the train pierces through the tension.

And then two shots go off.


"He's not my friend."

Before anyone can react, I fire two precise shots - one shot to each leg of each thief. Jungkook has the mind to twist the arm that had the knife to his throat so he remains unharmed. The thieves shriek in pain as blood instantly starts pooling. I scramble to put my gun back into my suitcase before the train arrives and the conductor or train person sees this mess.

Jungkook seems to get the urgency and he instantly gets a hold of his bags. The train is approaching quickly, the smoke billowing freely from it. The noise is deafening.

I'm dying to hop on the train before the thieves tackle us. They're huddled and pressing on their wounds. I cast a quick glance at Jungkook who's looking wildly at the pooling blood.

"Don't stand so close to them," I say roughly, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him closer to the other end of the station. The train chugs to a stop in front of us and the doors screech open.

"Quick-" I start ushering Jungkook on board when one of the men stands with his knife and takes a few blind strides before lunging at Jungkook. I don't even think. I don't think at all.

I tackle Jungkook so that we both go tumbling into the train.

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