Cat and Mouse {Aizawa}

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It was dark, you could barely see your hand in front your face as you ran through the empty streets. Each time your bare foot hit the ground a horrible mix of numbing pain shot up your legs. You didn't hear or seem him but you could feel his eyes on you, he was a hero of the night trained in stealth. You had thought him leaving the door unlocked was an answer to your prayers, a lucky brake, whatever you want to call it but turns out it was just the beginning of his sick game of cat and mouse.

You turned a corner and felt it making your heart drop it was the feeling of an all too familiar capture weapon wrapping around your ankle. A sharp tug caused your leg to be pulled from under you so sudden you had no time to prepare. You face planted nose smacking the concrete with a sickening crunch sound. You heard it a deep chuckle as he approaching you, you felt his hand grab your shoulder and flip you on your back he was now standing over you bending down looking at your cut up feet and bloody nose. 

With fake pity lacing his voice he spoke "Aww my poor kitten, i'll get you all cleaned up." He then squatted next to you grabbing your chin and tugging your face to look at him a cruel sadistic smile on his face "That is after I punish you for being a bad kitty and running of of course."

(257 Words)

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