Broken {Aizawa}

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Aizawa had you tied down to the bed with his scarf as he grabbed your leg "Please Shota! Im sorry, so sorry!" He picked you leg up "I'll never do it again!" You were sobbing at that point, he gave you a glance his face a mix of disgust and disappointment "I know you won't." You heard it before you actually felt it the sickening sound of your bone cracking that made you vomit. Then you felt it the shining, shooting, burning pain that stole ability to breath for a moment.

He grabbed the other leg but the pain was already to much you could no longer plea only blabble, sob, and hiccup as he broke that leg. After he untied you, picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom. He stripped you and placed you in the tub cleaning the throw up and saliva off your face. He got you into some comfy clothing and bandaged your legs but refused to give you anything for the pain as you silently cry. He was finishing the wrap when he finally spoke.

"Why are you crying?" You hiccuped out a "It hurts." "You knew this would happen. In fact I told you this would happen if you ever tried to leave me." You carried you to the bed and laid you down, crawling on the other side of you and petting your head "Shota I need actual medical attention! I promise not to tell, I- I can say I got attacked by a villain or something ple-" He shushed you pulling you to him "No what you need is to learn this lesson. I can care for you just fine, its gonna be ok."

(284 Words)

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